我也不会在这里抱怨,但我可以明确指出,快速自旋锁 3 条指令或更多指令的问题 - 至少在 x86 架构上 - 是徒劳的。
lock_variable DW 0 ; 0 <=> free
mov ebx,offset lock_variable
mov eax,1
xchg eax,[ebx]
; if eax contains 0 (no one owned it) you own the lock,
; if eax contains 1 (someone already does) you don't
mov ebx,offset lock_variable
mov dword ptr [ebx],0
xchg 指令提高了处理器上的锁定引脚,这实际上意味着我想要在接下来的几个时钟周期内使用总线。该信号通过高速缓存传递到最慢的总线主控设备,通常是 PCI 总线。当每个总线主控设备完成后,locka(锁定确认)信号就会被发回。然后进行实际的交换。问题是 lock/locka 序列需要很长时间。PCI 总线可能以 33MHz 运行,有几个延迟周期。在 3.3 GHz CPU 上,这意味着每个 PCI 总线周期需要一百个 CPU 周期。
根据经验,我假设一个锁需要 300 到 3000 个 CPU 周期才能完成,最后我什至不知道我是否会拥有这个锁。因此,您可以通过“快速”自旋锁节省的几个周期将是海市蜃楼,因为没有像下一个锁那样,这将取决于您在那段时间内的总线情况。
我刚刚读到自旋锁是一个“大量使用的对象”。好吧,您显然不明白自旋锁在每次调用时都会消耗大量的 CPU 周期。或者,换一种说法,每次调用它都会失去大量的处理能力。
2016 年 5 月更新。
Peter Cordes 提倡“在非竞争情况下调整锁是有意义的”,并且现代 CPU 上不会出现数百个时钟周期的锁时间,除非在锁变量未对齐的情况下。我开始怀疑我之前的测试程序(用 32 位 Watcom C 编写)是否会受到 WOW64 的阻碍,因为它运行在 64 位操作系统:Windows 7 上。
于是我写了一个64位的程序,用TDM的gcc 5.3编译。该程序使用隐式总线锁定指令变体“XCHG r,m”进行锁定,使用简单的赋值“MOV m,r”进行解锁。在某些锁变体中,锁变量经过预先测试以确定尝试锁是否可行(使用简单的比较“CMP r,m”,可能不会冒险到 L3 之外)。这里是:
// compiler flags used:
// -O1 -m64 -mthreads -mtune=k8 -march=k8 -fwhole-program -freorder-blocks -fschedule-insns -falign-functions=32 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0
typedef unsigned char u1;
typedef unsigned short u2;
typedef unsigned long u4;
typedef unsigned int ud;
typedef unsigned long long u8;
typedef signed char i1;
typedef short i2;
typedef long i4;
typedef int id;
typedef long long i8;
typedef float f4;
typedef double f8;
#define usizeof(a) ((ud)sizeof(a))
#define LOOPS 25000000
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#ifndef bool
typedef signed char bool;
u8 CPU_rdtsc (void)
ud tickl, tickh;
__asm__ __volatile__("rdtsc":"=a"(tickl),"=d"(tickh));
return ((u8)tickh << 32)|tickl;
volatile u8 bus_lock (volatile u8 * block, u8 value)
__asm__ __volatile__( "xchgq %1,%0" : "=r" (value) : "m" (*block), "0" (value) : "memory");
return value;
void bus_unlock (volatile u8 * block, u8 value)
__asm__ __volatile__( "movq %0,%1" : "=r" (value) : "m" (*block), "0" (value) : "memory");
void rfence (void)
__asm__ __volatile__( "lfence" : : : "memory");
void rwfence (void)
__asm__ __volatile__( "mfence" : : : "memory");
void wfence (void)
__asm__ __volatile__( "sfence" : : : "memory");
volatile bool LOCK_spinlockPreTestIfFree (const volatile u8 *lockVariablePointer)
return (bool)(*lockVariablePointer == 0ull);
volatile bool LOCK_spinlockFailed (volatile u8 *lockVariablePointer)
return (bool)(bus_lock (lockVariablePointer, 1ull) != 0ull);
void LOCK_spinlockLeave (volatile u8 *lockVariablePointer)
*lockVariablePointer = 0ull;
static volatile u8 lockVariable = 0ull,
lockCounter = 0ull;
static volatile i8 threadHold = 1;
static u8 tstr[4][32]; /* 32*8=256 bytes for each thread's parameters should result in them residing in different cache lines */
u8 numberOfFailures, numberOfPreTests;
f8 clocksPerLock, failuresPerLock, preTestsPerLock;
u8 threadId;
HANDLE threadHandle;
ud idx;
} *lts[4] = {(void *)tstr[0], (void *)tstr[1], (void *)tstr[2], (void *)tstr[3]};
DWORD WINAPI locking_thread (struct LOCKING_THREAD_STRUCTURE *ltsp)
ud n = LOOPS;
u8 clockCycles;
SetThreadAffinityMask (ltsp->threadHandle, 1ull<<ltsp->idx);
while (threadHold) {}
clockCycles = CPU_rdtsc ();
while (n)
Sleep (0);
while (LOCK_spinlockFailed (&lockVariable)) {++ltsp->numberOfFailures;}
while (1)
} while (!LOCK_spinlockPreTestIfFree (&lockVariable));
if (!LOCK_spinlockFailed (&lockVariable)) break;
while (1)
if (LOCK_spinlockPreTestIfFree (&lockVariable))
if (!LOCK_spinlockFailed (&lockVariable)) break;
LOCK_spinlockLeave (&lockVariable);
while (LOCK_spinlockFailed (&lockVariable)) {++ltsp->numberOfFailures;}
while (1)
} while (!LOCK_spinlockPreTestIfFree (&lockVariable));
if (!LOCK_spinlockFailed (&lockVariable)) break;
while (1)
if (LOCK_spinlockPreTestIfFree (&lockVariable))
if (!LOCK_spinlockFailed (&lockVariable)) break;
LOCK_spinlockLeave (&lockVariable);
clockCycles = CPU_rdtsc ()-clockCycles;
ltsp->clocksPerLock = (f8)clockCycles/ (f8)LOOPS;
ltsp->failuresPerLock = (f8)ltsp->numberOfFailures/(f8)LOOPS;
ltsp->preTestsPerLock = (f8)ltsp->numberOfPreTests/(f8)LOOPS;
//rwfence ();
ltsp->idx = 4u;
ExitThread (0);
return 0;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
u8 processAffinityMask, systemAffinityMask;
memset (tstr, 0u, usizeof(tstr));
lts[0]->idx = 3;
lts[1]->idx = 2;
lts[2]->idx = 1;
lts[3]->idx = 0;
GetProcessAffinityMask (GetCurrentProcess(), &processAffinityMask, &systemAffinityMask);
SetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS);
SetThreadAffinityMask (GetCurrentThread (), 1ull);
lts[0]->threadHandle = CreateThread (NULL, 65536u, (void *)locking_thread, (void *)lts[0], 0, (void *)<s[0]->threadId);
lts[1]->threadHandle = CreateThread (NULL, 65536u, (void *)locking_thread, (void *)lts[1], 0, (void *)<s[1]->threadId);
lts[2]->threadHandle = CreateThread (NULL, 65536u, (void *)locking_thread, (void *)lts[2], 0, (void *)<s[2]->threadId);
lts[3]->threadHandle = CreateThread (NULL, 65536u, (void *)locking_thread, (void *)lts[3], 0, (void *)<s[3]->threadId);
SetThreadAffinityMask (GetCurrentThread (), processAffinityMask);
threadHold = 0;
while (lts[0]->idx<4u) {Sleep (1);}
while (lts[0]->idx+lts[1]->idx+lts[2]->idx+lts[3]->idx<16u) {Sleep (1);}
printf ("T0:%1.1f,%1.1f,%1.1f\n", lts[0]->clocksPerLock, lts[0]->failuresPerLock, lts[0]->preTestsPerLock);
printf ("T1:%1.1f,%1.1f,%1.1f\n", lts[1]->clocksPerLock, lts[1]->failuresPerLock, lts[1]->preTestsPerLock);
printf ("T2:%1.1f,%1.1f,%1.1f\n", lts[2]->clocksPerLock, lts[2]->failuresPerLock, lts[2]->preTestsPerLock);
printf ("T3:%1.1f,%1.1f,%1.1f\n", lts[3]->clocksPerLock, lts[3]->failuresPerLock, lts[3]->preTestsPerLock);
printf ("T*:%1.1f,%1.1f,%1.1f\n", (lts[0]->clocksPerLock+ lts[1]->clocksPerLock+ lts[2]->clocksPerLock+ lts[3]->clocksPerLock)/ 4.,
printf ("LC:%u\n", (ud)lockCounter);
return 0;
该程序在基于 DELL i5-4310U 的计算机上运行,该计算机具有 DDR3-800、2 个内核/2 个 2.7GHz 的 HT 和一个通用的 L3 缓存。
首先,WOW64 的影响似乎可以忽略不计。
执行非竞争锁定/解锁的单个线程能够每 110 个周期执行一次。调整无争用锁是没有用的:为增强单个 XCHG 指令而添加的任何代码只会使其变慢。
随着四个 HT 用锁定尝试轰炸锁定变量,情况发生了根本性的变化。实现成功锁定所需的时间跃升至 994 个周期,其中很大一部分可归因于 2.2 次失败的锁定尝试。换句话说,在高争用情况下,平均必须尝试 3.2 次锁才能获得成功的锁。显然110个周期并没有变成110*3.2而是更接近110*9。因此,其他机制在这里发挥作用,就像在旧机器上的测试一样。此外,平均 994 个周期包含 716 和 1157 之间的范围
The lock variants implementing pre-testing required about 95% of the cycles reuired by the simplest variant (XCHG). On average they would perform 17 CMPs to find it feasible to attempt 1.75 locks of which 1 was successful. I recommend using pre-testing not only because it is faster: it imposes less strain on the bus-locking mechanism (3.2-1.75=1.45 fewer lock attempts) even though it increases the complexity slightly.