我假设你有一个四元数数学库可以;从轴和角度创建,设置为恒等、逆和累积四元数。如果不这样做,您应该从 Wikipedia 或 Google 中找到实施它们所需的所有信息。
out 参数是一个名为result的多维数组。
for each frame {
for each joint {
if no parent {
// no parent means no local rotation
result[joint,frame] = identityQuaternion
else {
startLink = startPosition - parentStartPosition
endLink = endPosition - parentEndPosition
if no grandParent {
// no grand parent - we can calculate the local rotation directly
result[joint,frame] = QuaternionFromVectors( startLink, endLink )
else {
parentStartLink = parentStartPosition - grandParentStartPosition
parentEndLink = parentEndPosition - grandParentEndPosition
// calculate the local rotations
// = the difference in rotation between parent link and child link
startRotation = QuaternionFromVectors( parentStartLink, startLink )
endRotation = QuaternionFromVectors( parentEndLink, endLink )
// calculate the delta local rotation
// = the difference between start and end local rotations
invertedStartRotation = Inverse( startRotation )
deltaRotation = invertedStartRotation.Rotate( endRotation )
result[joint,frame] = deltaRotation
QuaternionFromVectors( fromVector, toVector )
axis = Normalize( fromVector.Cross( toVector ) )
angle = Acos( fromVector.Dot( toVector ) )
return Quaternion( axis, angle )
C++ 实现
下面是 C++ 中未经测试的递归实现。对于每一帧,我们从JointData树的根开始,然后通过递归调用JointData::calculateRotations()函数遍历树。
// Frame data holds the individual frame data for a joint
struct FrameData
Vector3 m_positionStart;
Vector3 m_positionEnd;
// this is our unknown
Quaternion m_localDeltaRotation;
class JointData
JointData *getChild( int index );
int getNumberOfChildren();
FrameData *getFrame( int frameIndex );
void calculateDeltaRotation( int frameIndex, JointData *parent = NULL,
Vector3& parentV1 = Vector3(0),
Vector3& parentV2 = Vector3(0) );
void JointData::calculateDeltaRotation( int frameIndex, JointData *parent,
Vector3& parentV1, Vector3& parentV2 )
FrameData *frameData = getFrame( frameIndex );
if( !parent )
// this is the root, it has no local rotation
FrameData *parentFrameData = parent->getFrame( frameIndex );
// calculate the vector from our parent
// for the start (v1) and the end (v2) of the frame
Vector3 v1 = frameData->m_positionStart - parentFrameData->m_positionStart;
Vector3 v2 = frameData->m_positionEnd - parentFrameData->m_positionEnd;
if( !getParent()->getParent() )
// child of the root is a special case,
// we can calculate it's rotation directly
frameData->m_localDeltaRotation = calculateQuaternion( v1, v2 );
// calculate start and end rotations
// apply inverse start rotation to end rotation
Quaternion startRotation = calculateQuaternion( parentV1, v1 );
Quaternion endRotation = calculateQuaternion( parentV2, v2 );
Quaternion invStartRot = startRotation.inverse();
frameData->m_localDeltaRotation = invStartRot.rotate( endRotation );
for( int i = 0; i < getNumberOfChildren(); ++i )
getChild( i )->calculateRotations( frameIndex, this, v1, v2 );
// helper function to calulate a quaternion from two vector
Quaternion calculateQuaternion( Vector3& fromVector, Vector3& toVector )
float angle = acos( fromVector.dot( toVector ) );
Vector3 axis = fromVector.cross( toVector );
return Quaternion( axis, angle );