3 回答 3


Add another constructor:

template <typename U>
Container(Container<U> const & ref,
          typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<T, U>::value, int>::type = 0)
: obj_(ref.obj_)
{ }

I added the enable_if part to make sure that this new constructor template only participates in overload resolution when the type U is actually derived from T.

于 2012-08-14T14:33:51.513 回答

Container<A> and Container<B>are totally different class.

You can have something like container_cast<T>(U) that converts a Container<A> to Container<B>

container_cast will construct another Container<T> by taking the obj_ Container<U> and casting that obj_ to T*

于 2012-08-14T14:35:31.013 回答

Instead of using the container, use an iterator pair, which is nicely convertible to base class. It solves the problem, and cleans up the code in one go.

EDIT: after more info was given, I change my answer to this:

Use boost::shared_ptr.

于 2012-08-14T14:37:28.940 回答