I have installed Drush 5.6 on my ubuntu machine, and I am now working on a Drupal theme, so I need to clear the cache frequently, but I cannot seem to do it with drush...

When I run the drush cc all inside my drupal site folder, I get the message that it successfully cleared the drush cache.

When I instead run drush cc inside my drupal site folder I get only 3 options (even though I have seen other people get more options here...): to cancel, to clear drush cache, or to clear registry cache. Here I tried to clear the registry cache and got the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function lock_acquire()

pointing me to some bootstrap.inc file

I will be very happy if someone could help me


1 回答 1


我只是有同样的问题。原因是drush无法php与 MAMP 一起使用。因此,您需要将 MAMPphp位置的路径添加到~/.bash_profile.


export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.3.14/bin:$PATH

我在 MAMP 中使用 PHP 5.3,检查您使用的版本并编写绝对路径,然后执行 source ~/.bash_profile

重新启动 MAMP 并重新检查。

于 2013-12-09T08:11:42.303 回答