问题设置:我有一个大小为 n1,n2,n3=nx,ny,nz 的 3D(空间)数据网格,对于 a 或 b,可能 nz=1。该网格中的每个点具有每个网格点大小为 NDIM(通常 = 4)的数据向量 (a) 和每个网格点大小为 NDIMxNDIM 的另一个矩阵 (b)。我想为内存和 CPU 最有效地计算(每点)诸如 ab 或 ba 之类的东西。
本质上,我想在 python 中概括 A loopless 3D matrix multiplication。我似乎有一个有效的结果。但我不明白。搜索 google 和 stackoverflow 没有任何帮助。请解释并进一步概括!谢谢!
import numpy as np
# gives a.b per point:
a = np.arange(nx*ny*nz*4).reshape(4, nx,ny,nz)
b = np.arange(nx*ny*1*4*4).reshape(4, 4, nx,ny,1)
for ii in np.arange(0,nx):
for jj in np.arange(0,ny):
for kk in np.arange(0,nz):
ctrue[:,ii,jj,kk] = np.tensordot(a[:,ii,jj,kk],b[:,:,ii,jj,0],axes=[0,1])
c2 = (a[:,None,None,None] * b[:,:,None,None,None]).sum(axis=1).reshape(4,nx,ny,nz)
# gives 0 as required
# gives b.a per point:
for ii in np.arange(0,nx):
for jj in np.arange(0,ny):
for kk in np.arange(0,nz):
ctrue2[:,ii,jj,kk] = np.tensordot(a[:,ii,jj,kk],b[:,:,ii,jj,0],axes=[0,0])
c22 = (a[:,None,None,None] * btrans[:,:,None,None,None]).sum(axis=1).reshape(4,nx,ny,nz)
# gives 0 as required
# Note that only the single line for c2 and c22 are required -- the rest of the code is for testing/comparison to see if that line works.
# Issues/Questions:
# 1) Please explain why those things work and further generalize!
# 2) After reading about None=np.newaxis, I thought something like this would work:
c22alt = (a[:,None,:,:,:] * btrans[:,:]).sum(axis=1).reshape(4,nx,ny,nz)
# but it doesn't.
# 3) I don't see how to avoid assignment of a separate btrans. An np.transpose on b[:,:,None,None,None] doesn't work.
其他相关链接: Numpy: Multiplying a matrix with a 3d tensor -- Suggestion How to use numpy with 'None' value in Python?