I am implementing a really lightweight Web Project, which has just one page, showing data in a diagram. I use Django as a Webserver and d3.js as plotting routine for this diagram. As you can imagine, there are just a few simple time series which have to be responded by Django server, so I was wondering if I simply could hold this variable in ram. My first test was positive, I had something like this in my views.py:
X = np.array([123,23,1,32,123,1])
def getGraph(request):
global X
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(X))
Notice, X
is updated by another function every now and then, but all user access is read-only. Do I have to deal with
- security issues by defining a global variable?
- inconsistencies in general?
I found a thread discussing global variables in Django, but in that case, the difficulty is of handling multiple write-access.
To answer potential questions on why I don't want store data in database: All data I got in my X
is already stored in a huge remote database and this web app just needs to display data.