I have updated to Disqus 2012 and my CSS overrides no longer work as Disqus is now loaded in an iframe.

However, I can override CSS using the inspector after the Disqus thread has loaded, so I am wondering if it would be possible to do this using javascript that fires just after the Disqus thread/iframe has loaded onto the page?


1 回答 1


Disqus 2012 确实在 iframe 内部,并且无法使用#disqus_thread属性外部的 CSS 语句来定位 iframe。

抱歉,如果你现在想在 Disqus 中使用 CSS,你必须恢复到经典的 Disqus。不过不要担心,因为 CSS 是许多 Disqus 用户(包括我)所需要的功能。

于 2012-08-17T23:06:34.637 回答