


private void triggerNotification() {
        Notification notification = new Notification(R.drawable.ic_launcher,
                "Title", System.currentTimeMillis());
        notification.setLatestEventInfo(this, "First text",
                "This is the text that gets abberviated with .. when it is too long",
                PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, new Intent(this,MainActivity.class)
                        .setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP),
        notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL;
        nm.notify(0, notification);


1 回答 1


In API 16+, there is a Notification.Builder class that allows you to add a subtext which can be of multiple lines (Like Gmail notifications). I don't know if Notification.Builder is included in the support library but I guess it might be. You can check it.

However, if it is not in the support library and you have to stick to your minSdkVersion, I'm afraid that there is no way to do what you want other than implementing your own notification version.


The last revision of the support library (revision 10 which was released on August 2012) introduces the Android 4.1 notification style: BigTextStyle. there is a good example of how you can use it. Check it here.

于 2012-08-13T17:57:54.393 回答