
我必须创建一个应用程序来读取 Excel 文件并根据列的名称和值生成对象以测试其他应用程序。这部分没有问题,我可以在不知道对象类型的情况下为对象创建和分配值。

我遇到的问题是其中一些对象之间有关系,因为对象 A 有一个列表(对象 B)。我可以识别这些。


Public Class Person
     Public Property Name as String
     Public Property Age as Integer
     Public Property Dogs as List(Of Dog)
End Class

Public Class Dog
     Public Property Name as String
End Class

当我调试时,我得到类似的东西: Person: Name = "Something", Age = 30, Dogs = Nothing

由于我的 List(Of T) 不等于任何内容,因此我需要在将对象添加到其中之前对其进行实例化。由于我还没有找到任何方法来告诉 List 实例化自身,因此我尝试为该属性分配一个 New List。


'In this case, unObjetParent would be a Person, and unObjetEnfant would be a Dog
Private Function AssocierObjets(ByRef unObjetParent As Object, ByRef unObjetEnfant As Object) As Boolean
    Dim proprietes() As Reflection.PropertyInfo = unObjetParent.GetType.GetProperties
    Dim typeEnfant As Type = unObjetEnfant.GetType

    For Each p As Reflection.PropertyInfo In proprietes
        If p.PropertyType.Name.Equals("List`1") Then
            Dim type As Type = p.PropertyType
            Dim splittedAssemblyQualifiedName As String() = type.AssemblyQualifiedName.Split(","c)
            Dim typeOfList As Type = type.GetType(splittedAssemblyQualifiedName(0).Substring(splittedAssemblyQualifiedName(0).LastIndexOf("["c) + 1))
            ' ^ The way I found to get the Type of the GenericArgument of the List before instantiating it.

            If typeOfList = typeEnfant Then

                'This create a object with it's name, in this case, it returns a Dog
                Dim prototype = DefinirObjet(typeOfList.Name)

                'My first try, it returns a List(Of VB$AnonymousType_0`1[System.Object])
                'which I can't convert into a List(Of Dog(for this example))
                Dim prop = New With {unObjetEnfant}
                Dim l = prop.CreateTypedList
                p.SetValue(unObjetParent, l, Nothing)

                'This one doesn't work either as it returns a List(Of Object)
                'which I can't convert into a List(Of Dog(for this example))
                p.SetValue(unObjetParent, CreateTypedList2(prototype), Nothing)

            End If
        End If
    Return True
End Function

<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Function CreateTypedList(Of T)(ByVal Prototype As T) As List(Of T)
    Return New List(Of T)()
End Function

Private Function CreateTypedList2(Of T)(ByVal unPrototype As T) As List(Of T)
    Return New List(Of T)
End Function





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      Dim t1 As Type = GetType(List(Of ))
      Dim constructed As Type = t1.MakeGenericType(typeEnfant)
      Dim o As Object = Activator.CreateInstance(constructed)

这将创建一个泛型集合的实例,在我的例子中是一个指定类型的 List(Of T),并且我可以将它分配给我正在处理的属性。

于 2012-08-14T19:19:20.040 回答