我正在尝试从 .wav 文件中读取标头信息,并且正在读取文件的以下属性:

    Format Tag
    Format Length
    Sample Rate
    Average Bytes Second
    Block Align
    Bits Per Sample
    Data size

现在,一切都完美读取,直到读取采样率,然后,输出是“0”值或只是 NULL。


bool Wav::readHeader(FILE *dataIn)
   char type2[4];
   fread(this->type, sizeof(char), 4, dataIn);

   fread(&this->size, sizeof(int), 1, dataIn);

   fread(this->type, sizeof(char), 4, dataIn);

   fread(this->type, sizeof(char), 4, dataIn);

   fread(&this->format_length, sizeof(short), 1, dataIn);

   fread(&this->format_tag, sizeof(short), 1, dataIn);

   fread(&this->channels, sizeof(short), 1, dataIn);

   fread(&this->sample_rate, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, dataIn);

   fread(&this->avg_bytes_sec, sizeof(unsigned short), 1, dataIn);

   fread(&this->block_align, sizeof(short), 1, dataIn);

   fread(&this->bits_per_sample, sizeof(short), 1, dataIn);

   return true;


    char type[4]; 
    int size;
    unsigned short format_tag;
    unsigned short format_length;
    unsigned short channels;
    unsigned int sample_rate;
    unsigned short avg_bytes_sec;
    unsigned short block_align;
    unsigned short bits_per_sample;
    unsigned int data_size;


(如果这个问题不正确,PS 道歉。我已经尽力写了!)


1 回答 1


如果您有表示 (PCM) WAVE 标头的紧凑结构,它将如下所示:

struct Riff
  char chunkId[4]; // "RIFF" (assuming char is 8 bits)
  int chunkSize; // (assuming int is 32 bits)
  char format[4]; // "WAVE"

struct Format
  char chunkId[4]; // "fmt "
  int chunkSize;
  short format; // assuming short is 16 bits
  short numChannels;
  int sampleRate;
  int byteRate;
  short align;
  short bitsPerSample;

struct Data
  char chunkId[4]; // "data"
  int chunkSize; // length of data
  char* data;

struct Wave // Actual structure of a PCM WAVE file
  Riff riffHeader;
  Format formatHeader;
  Data dataHeader;

从本质上讲,您的问题是format_lengthFormat::chunkSize在我的结构中)和avg_bytes_secFormat::byteRate在我的结构中)在您的代码中各有 2 个字节,但它们每个都应该是 4。您也没有读取数据子块的标头,但我认为这是故意的?


void readWave(std::ifstream& file, Wave& wave)
  // First read the RIFF header
  file.read(wave.riffHeader.chunkId,                                   4);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.riffHeader.chunkSize),       4);
  file.read(wave.riffHeader.format,                                    4);

  // Now read the FORMAT header
  file.read(wave.formatHeader.chunkId,                                 4);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.chunkSize),     4);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.format),        2);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.numChannels),   2);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.sampleRate),    4);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.byteRate),      4);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.align),         2);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.bitsPerSample), 2);

  // Now read the DATA header
  file.read(wave.dataHeader.chunkId,                                   4);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.dataHeader.chunkSize),       4);

  // The actual data goes in wave.dataHeader.data, so you can allocate it
  // and then read direclty into it now

Michael 的链接是我在需要读/写 WAVE 文件时经常使用的链接(我不得不多次这样做)。我建议你仔细阅读。

如果您的“数据”块之前的 WAVE 文件中有额外的块,则此代码应该能够跳过它们:

void readWave(std::ifstream& file, Wave& wave)
  // First read the RIFF header
  file.read(wave.riffHeader.chunkId,                                   4);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.riffHeader.chunkSize),       4);
  file.read(wave.riffHeader.format,                                    4);

  // Now read the FORMAT header
  file.read(wave.formatHeader.chunkId,                                 4);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.chunkSize),     4);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.format),        2);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.numChannels),   2);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.sampleRate),    4);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.byteRate),      4);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.align),         2);
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.formatHeader.bitsPerSample), 2);

  // WAVE files are just a special type of RIFF file, so it's possible
  // there are other chunks, like "fact" chunks. We'll skip over these
  // extra chunks until we find a "data" chunk
  char chunkId[4] = {0};
  int chunkSize = 0;
  while (file.read(chunkId, 4) &&
         (chunkId[0] != 'd' ||
          chunkId[1] != 'a' ||
          chunkId[2] != 't' ||
          chunkId[3] != 'a'))
      file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&chunkSize), 4); // Read the chunk's size
      file.seekg(chunkSize, std::ios_base::cur); // Skip the chunk

  // We've found the DATA chunk and header
  wave.dataHeader.chunkId[0] = chunkId[0];
  wave.dataHeader.chunkId[1] = chunkId[1];
  wave.dataHeader.chunkId[2] = chunkId[2];
  wave.dataHeader.chunkId[3] = chunkId[3];
  file.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&wave.dataHeader.chunkSize),       4);

  // The actual data goes in wave.dataHeader.data, so you can allocate it
  // and then read direclty into it now
于 2012-08-13T16:22:28.663 回答