
loadlibrary('test1.dll', 'testheader.h')

警告:解析时产生了警告消息。检查您打算使用的功能是否正确。可以使用以下命令查看警告文本: [notfound,warnings]=loadlibrary(...) 在 374 处的 loadlibrary 中

我使用 Visual c++ 2008 和 matlab R2008a 32 位



1 回答 1


No idea what the specific problem is since you haven't actually provided the warnings.

However, I can tell you that, when a build system says something like "do A to get more information", I generally find that it's a good idea to do A.

In other words, change the line as suggested:

[notfound, warnings] = loadlibrary('test1.dll', 'testheader.h')

and then examine those two things to see what the actual problem was. See here for details, paraphrased below:

The snippet
     [NotFound, Warnings] = loadlibrary ('SharedLib.dll', 'HeaderFile.h')
returns warning information from the SharedLib.dll library file.

NotFound is a cell array of the names of functions found in the header file HeaderFile.h, or any header added with the "addheader" option, but not found in the SharedLib.dll library.

Warnings contains a single character array of warnings produced while processing the header file HeaderFile.h.

于 2012-08-12T22:24:01.473 回答