我正在使用 GD 库动态创建图像。
但是当我使用 imagerotate() 函数旋转图像时


3 回答 3


避免旋转图像时出现锯齿效果的一种方法是使用另一种方法对像素进行采样,而不是仅采用调整后的像素,例如使用最近邻插值使边缘更平滑。您可以查看 matlab 代码示例:

im1 = imread('lena.jpg');imshow(im1);  
thet = rand(1);
mm = m*sqrt(2);
nn = n*sqrt(2);
for t=1:mm
   for s=1:nn
      i = uint16((t-mm/2)*cos(thet)+(s-nn/2)*sin(thet)+m/2);
      j = uint16(-(t-mm/2)*sin(thet)+(s-nn/2)*cos(thet)+n/2);
      if i>0 && j>0 && i<=m && j<=n           



我发现了一些我曾经用 Java 编写的旧代码,其中包含几个采样算法的实现。这是代码:


 * @pre (this!=null) && (this.pixels!=null)
 * @post returns the sampled pixel of (x,y) by nearest neighbor sampling
private Pixel sampleNearestNeighbor(double x, double y) {
    int X = (int) Math.round(x);
    int Y = (int) Math.round(y);
    if (X >= 0 && Y >= 0 && X < this.pixels.length
            && Y < this.pixels[0].length)
        // (X,Y) is within this.pixels' borders
        return new Pixel(pixels[X][Y].getRGB());
        return new Pixel(255, 255, 255);
    // sample color will be default white


 * @pre (this!=null) && (this.pixels!=null)
 * @post returns the sampled pixel of (x,y) by bilinear interpolation
private Pixel sampleBilinear(double x, double y) {
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    x1 = (int) Math.floor(x);
    y1 = (int) Math.floor(y);
    double weightX = x - x1;
    double weightY = y - y1;
    if (x1 >= 0 && y1 >= 0 && x1 + 1 < this.pixels.length
            && y1 + 1 < this.pixels[0].length) {
        x2 = x1 + 1;
        y2 = y1 + 1;

        double redAX = (weightX * this.pixels[x2][y1].getRed())
                + (1 - weightX) * this.pixels[x1][y1].getRed();
        double greenAX = (weightX * this.pixels[x2][y1].getGreen())
                + (1 - weightX) * this.pixels[x1][y1].getGreen();
        double blueAX = (weightX * this.pixels[x2][y1].getBlue())
                + (1 - weightX) * this.pixels[x1][y1].getBlue();
        // bilinear interpolation of A point

        double redBX = (weightX * this.pixels[x2][y2].getRed())
                + (1 - weightX) * this.pixels[x1][y2].getRed();
        double greenBX = (weightX * this.pixels[x2][y2].getGreen())
                + (1 - weightX) * this.pixels[x1][y2].getGreen();
        double blueBX = (weightX * this.pixels[x2][y2].getBlue())
                + (1 - weightX) * this.pixels[x1][y2].getBlue();
        // bilinear interpolation of B point

        int red = (int) (weightY * redBX + (1 - weightY) * redAX);
        int green = (int) (weightY * greenBX + (1 - weightY) * greenAX);
        int blue = (int) (weightY * blueBX + (1 - weightY) * blueAX);
        // bilinear interpolation of A and B
        return new Pixel(red, green, blue);

    } else if (x1 >= 0
            && y1 >= 0 // last row or column
            && (x1 == this.pixels.length - 1 || y1 == this.pixels[0].length - 1)) {
        return new Pixel(this.pixels[x1][y1].getRed(), this.pixels[x1][y1]
                .getGreen(), this.pixels[x1][y1].getBlue());
    } else
        return new Pixel(255, 255, 255);
    // sample color will be default white


 * @pre (this!=null) && (this.pixels!=null)
 * @post returns the sampled pixel of (x,y) by gaussian function
private Pixel sampleGaussian(double u, double v) {
    double w = 3; // sampling distance
    double sqrSigma = Math.pow(w / 3.0, 2); // sigma^2
    double normal = 0;
    double red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0;
    double minIX = Math.round(u - w);
    double maxIX = Math.round(u + w);
    double minIY = Math.round(v - w);
    double maxIY = Math.round(v + w);

    for (int ix = (int) minIX; ix <= maxIX; ix++) {
        for (int iy = (int) minIY; iy <= maxIY; iy++) {
            double sqrD = Math.pow(ix - u, 2) + Math.pow(iy - v, 2);
            // squared distance between (ix,iy) and (u,v)
            if (sqrD < Math.pow(w, 2) && ix >= 0 && iy >= 0
                    && ix < pixels.length && iy < pixels[0].length) {
                // gaussian function
                double gaussianWeight = Math.pow(2, -1 * (sqrD / sqrSigma));
                normal += gaussianWeight;
                red += gaussianWeight * pixels[ix][iy].getRed();
                green += gaussianWeight * pixels[ix][iy].getGreen();
                blue += gaussianWeight * pixels[ix][iy].getBlue();
    red /= normal;
    green /= normal;
    blue /= normal;
    return new Pixel(red, green, blue);


 * @pre (this!=null) && (this.pixels!=null) && (1 <= samplingMethod <= 3)
 * @post creates a new rotated-by-degrees Image and returns it
public myImage rotate(double degrees, int samplingMethod) {
    myImage outputImg = null;

    int t = 0;
    for (; degrees < 0 || degrees >= 180; degrees += (degrees < 0) ? 180
            : -180)

    int w = this.pixels.length;
    int h = this.pixels[0].length;
    double cosinus = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees));
    double sinus = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees));

    int width = Math.round((float) (w * Math.abs(cosinus) + h * sinus));
    int height = Math.round((float) (h * Math.abs(cosinus) + w * sinus));

    h--; // move from (1,..,k) to (0,..,1-k)

    Pixel[][] pixelsArray = new Pixel[width][height];
    double x = 0; // x coordinate in the source image
    double y = 0; // y coordinate in the source image

    if (degrees >= 90) { // // 270 or 90 degrees turn
        double temp = cosinus;
        cosinus = sinus;
        sinus = -temp;

    for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {

            double x0 = i;
            double y0 = j;
            if (degrees >= 90) {
                if ((t % 2 == 1)) { // 270 degrees turn
                    x0 = j;
                    y0 = width - i - 1;
                } else { // 90 degrees turn
                    x0 = height - j - 1;
                    y0 = i;
            } else if (t % 2 == 1) { // 180 degrees turn
                x0 = width - x0 - 1;
                y0 = height - y0 - 1;

            // calculate new x/y coordinates and
            // adjust their locations to the middle of the picture
            x = x0 * cosinus - (y0 - sinus * w) * sinus;
            y = x0 * sinus + (y0 - sinus * w) * cosinus;

            if (x < -0.5 || x > w + 0.5 || y < -0.5 || y > h + 0.5)
                // the pixels that does not have a source will be painted in
                // default white
                pixelsArray[i][j] = new Pixel(255, 255, 255);
            else {
                if (samplingMethod == 1)
                    pixelsArray[i][j] = sampleNearestNeighbor(x, y);
                else if (samplingMethod == 2)
                    pixelsArray[i][j] = sampleBilinear(x, y);
                else if (samplingMethod == 3)
                    pixelsArray[i][j] = sampleGaussian(x, y);
        outputImg = new myImage(pixelsArray);

    return outputImg;
于 2012-12-05T12:13:24.627 回答


诀窍是首先将图像创建为所需大小的 2 倍,然后执行所有绘图调用,然后将其调整为所需的原始大小。


另一个优点是它不包括图像其余部分的模糊,并且保持清晰 - 只有旋转图像的边界得到平滑。

于 2012-12-06T16:46:45.490 回答


如果这不能满足您的需求,GD 本身可能还不够。

GD 对它的所有能力都使用了非常快速的方法,而没有任何实际的平滑或类似的东西。如果您想要一些适当的图像编辑,您可以查看ImageMagick(这需要服务器上的额外软件)或基于 GD 编写自己的函数。

但请记住,对于大量数据,php 真的很慢,所以编写自己的函数可能会令人失望。(根据我的经验,PHP 比编译代码慢大约 40 倍。)


于 2012-12-03T11:24:04.190 回答