我真的很难让我加入的两个表在视图中显示(我只想显示来自客户表的客户名称和来自账单表的账单状态 - 这两个表都在 CustomerId 主键上)。我花了很长时间研究这个并得出结论,为这个视图创建另一个模型,但是当我尝试使用以下内容时,我在我的控制器中做了:

Function ShowAll() As ViewResult
    Dim BillQuery = From d In db.Bills
                    Join c In db.Customers On d.CustomerId Equals c.CustomerId
                    Select c.CustSurname, d.BillStatus

    Dim BillList As List(Of BillView) = BillQuery.ToList()

    Return View(BillList)
End Function


'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of )' 类型的值无法转换为 'System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Laundry.BillView)'

这是我的 Bill 和 BillView 模型:

Imports System.Data.Entity
Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations

Public Class Bill

    Public Property BillId() As Integer

    <Display(Name:="Customer ID")>
    Public Property CustomerId() As String

    <Display(Name:="Bill Status")>
    Public Property BillStatus() As String

End Class

Public Class BillView

    Public Property CustSurname() As String

    Public Property BillStatus() As String

End Class


Imports System.Data.Entity
Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations

Public Class Customer

Public Property CustomerId() As Integer

<Display(Name:="Group ID")>
Public Property GroupId() As Integer

Public Property CustFirstname() As String

Public Property CustSurname() As String

Public Property CustEmail() As String

Public Property CustCellphone() As String

Public Property CustAddress() As String

Public Property CustStatus() As String

<Display(Name:="Account Balance")>
Public Property AccBalance() As Double

<Display(Name:="Loyalty Ammount")>
Public Property LoyaltyAmount() As Double

<Display(Name:="Customer Discount")>
Public Property PersonalDiscount() As Double

End Class

1 回答 1


看起来您的第一个 LINQ 查询正在返回一个匿名类型,该类型随后无法转换为List(Of BillView). 尝试使用以下代码在强制转换BillView之前返回模型集合(注意添加的语法Select New BillView With {})。

Function ShowAll() As ViewResult
    Dim BillQuery = From d In db.Bills
                    Join c In db.Customers On d.CustomerId Equals c.CustomerId
                    Select New BillView With {.CustSurname = c.CustSurname, .BillStatus =  d.BillStatus}

    Dim BillList As List(Of BillView) = BillQuery.ToList()

    Return View(BillList)
End Function
于 2012-08-11T22:20:10.497 回答