在过去的几个月里,我们一直在优化一个大型电子商务拍卖网站。该网站可能会连续打开和关闭同一产品的多个拍卖 - 同一产品不会同时进行 2 次拍卖。直到最近,封闭式拍卖页面才自动从网站上删除。最近,他们决定保持封闭式拍卖页面处于活动状态,同时通知用户特定拍卖已关闭。这些封闭式拍卖页面仍在被抓取,并在 Google SERP 中返回,有时位于相同产品的实时拍卖页面之上。


  1. 301 从封闭式拍卖页面重定向到每个相关产品的相关子类别页面。有大量的 301 对网站的排名有害吗?
  2. 保持关闭的拍卖页面处于活动状态并弹出一个 JS 小部件,告诉用户拍卖已关闭,并为他们提供网站上相关拍卖的建议,最好是类似产品的现场拍卖。


提前致谢, 内特


1 回答 1


I'm not a SEO expert, so you should challenge everything I will say on that matter, but I will try to help you.

1) If you need to do that, 301 is the SEO friendly way to do it. 301 is also known as permanent redirect and should be used if the change you want to make is permanent. The stats of the old page will be transfered to the new destination page.

So, on the big picture and to answer your question, a lot of 301 will not probably hurt your SEO.

But... you're redirecting the user to a different content and be aware that you are transferring the stats from Product page to another page that is a page with recommendations.

You can read more about it on http://seo-hacker.com/301-302-redirect-affect-seo/

Another important point is that a lot of redirects can hurt your scalability, because you are increasing the load on your web servers.

2) As an user perspective I would prefer to keep the closed auction page alive and just show me some information saying the auction was closed (ebay does this).

You may also show some recommendations for relevant auctions on the site, but you should be very careful with the recommendations, if they are useless you may end angering the users.

于 2012-08-12T02:39:14.940 回答