我有一个有几个数据键的 GridView。在一组特定的情况下,我需要在页面的 Load 事件期间从后面的代码中添加一个额外的数据键。

如何以编程方式将数据键添加到 GridView 中的现有数据键集?


2 回答 2


最简单的方法是将 DataKeyNames 的 String 数组转换为 ArrayList,添加新的 DataKeyName,然后将此 ArrayList 转换回 String() 数组,然后使用此设置 Gridview 的 DataKeyNames 属性。这是一个例子:

Dim arr As New ArrayList()
Dim keys As String() = GridView1.DataKeyNames

//Convert to an ArrayList and add the new key.
arr.Add("New Key")

//Convert back to a string array and set the property.
Dim newkeys As String() = CType(arr.ToArray(Type.GetType("System.String")), String())
GridView1.DataKeyNames = newkeys
于 2012-08-11T05:20:37.597 回答


 //get length of existing keys
 int keyLength = MyGrid.DataKeyNames.Length;

 //create newkeys array with an extra space to take the new key
 string[] newkeys = new string[keyLength+1];

 //copy the old keys to the newkeys array
 for (int i = 0; i < keyLength; i++)
    newkeys[i] = MyGrid.DataKeyNames[i];

 //add the new key in the last location
 newkeys[keyLength] = "MyNewKey";

 //update your datakeys
 MyGrid.DataKeyNames = newkeys;
于 2012-08-11T05:24:53.187 回答