
(setq my-list '(((partnum . 1) (type (TEXT . plain)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                 (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding QUOTED-PRINTABLE))
                ((partnum . 2) (type (TEXT . html)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                 (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding QUOTED-PRINTABLE)))) 

现在我需要检索 "charset" 的值;如果有的话,第一个。在这个非常配置中,很容易:

(car (cdr (cadr (third (car my-list)))))
   => UTF-8


我尝试像这样递归地使用 mapcar:

(defun search-rec (list)
     (lambda (x)
       (if (listp x)
           (search-rec x)
         (message "OY %s" x)))

但是每次,(wrong-type-argument listp 1)当递归到达第一个 cons 单元的第一个原子时,我都会收到错误。我想我的问题真的是它是什么:


编辑现在列表看起来像这样,“charset”仍然在 (body) 中(告诉你那是唯一不变的东西)并且它不再被发现:(

(setq my-list '(((partnum . 1)
                (1.1 (type (TEXT . plain)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                     (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                (1.2 (type (TEXT . html)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                     (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                (type . alternative) (body (boundary e89a8fb2067eba300404c63c5f7f))
                (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding nil))
               ((partnum . 1.1) (type (TEXT . plain)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
               ((partnum . 1.2) (type (TEXT . html)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
               ((partnum . 2) (type (IMAGE . x-xpixmap)) (body (name ladybug.xpm))
                (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding BASE64))))

编辑这里是一些更多的 IRL 示例:

    (setq my-list haystack-list)
    (setq my-needle (tree-assoc 'charset my-list))
    (message "
- my-list: %s\n
- my-needle: %s\n
-------------\n" my-list my-needle)


  • my-list: ((TEXT plain (charset UTF-8) nil nil 7BIT 260 18 nil nil nil) (TEXT html (charset UTF-8) nil nil QUOTED-PRINTABLE 738 17 nil nil nil) Alternative (boundary e89a8fb1f8061a6be404c70a24a0) nil nil )

  • 我的针:无


(tree-assoc 'charset '((TEXT plain (charset UTF-8) nil nil 7BIT 260 18 nil nil nil)
(TEXT html (charset UTF-8) nil nil QUOTED-PRINTABLE 738 17 nil nil nil) 
alternative (boundary e89a8fb1f8061a6be404c70a24a0) nil nil))
  =>(charset UTF-8)

所以真的,我不知道这里发生了什么:有人可能会争论“这个干草堆列表是什么,它来自哪里?” 但它是否相关?我正在制作这个 haystack-list 的副本(我的列表),那么是什么给出了这些不同的结果?列表的引用?伙计们,我真的迷路了

注意(此行为(在直接评估中有效,但在 defun/let 生产情况下无效)发生在所有给出的解决方案中)



4 回答 4


看起来您想要Association Lists的树模拟。通过遵循assoc函数的约定,它检索包含给定键作为其头部的列表元素,这是一个适用于树的 assoc 版本:

(defun tree-assoc (key tree)
  (when (consp tree)
    (destructuring-bind (x . y)  tree
      (if (eql x key) tree
        (or (tree-assoc key x) (tree-assoc key y))))))


(let ((my-list '(((partnum . 1)
                  (1.1 (type (TEXT . plain)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                   (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                  (1.2 (type (TEXT . html)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                   (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                  (type . alternative) (body (boundary e89a8fb2067eba300404c63c5f7f))
                  (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding nil))
                 ((partnum . 1.1) (type (TEXT . plain)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                  (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                 ((partnum . 1.2) (type (TEXT . html)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                  (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                 ((partnum . 2) (type (IMAGE . x-xpixmap)) (body (name ladybug.xpm))
                  (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding BASE64)))))
  (tree-assoc 'charset my-list))

=> (charset UTF-8)
于 2012-08-12T12:10:02.603 回答

这取决于您想要做什么以及列表结构的相似程度(也就是说,您是否总是有一个 HTML 部分列表?字符集是否总是在 body 元素中?)


(defun list-query (list-of-keys data)
  (let ((data data))
    (while (and data list-of-keys)
      (setq data (assoc (car list-of-keys) data))
      (setq list-of-keys (cdr list-of-keys)))

(list-query '(body charset) (car my-list))结果是调用(charset UTF-8)。遍历 my-list 以查找正文列表中的第一个(或所有)字符集应该相对容易。

于 2012-08-11T06:41:13.860 回答


(defun depth-first-search (tree searched &optional comparator)
  "TREE is the nested list of elements to search, SEARCHED
is the element to search for, COMPARATOR is the function used
to compare elements of the tree to the searched element, if
you don't provide any, then `equal' is used.
Returns a list of subscripts to be used with `nth' to find the
searched element. If the result is `nil', the list itself
is the searched element. If the result is not a list,
the `not-found' symbol, then the element was not found."
  (unless comparator (setq comparator #'equal))
  (let ((operations 'not-found))
    (labels ((%df-search
              (item ops)
              (if (funcall comparator item searched)
                  (setq operations (reverse ops))
                (let ((offset 0))
                  (when (consp item)
                    (dolist (i item)
                      (%df-search i (cons offset ops))
                      (unless (eq operations 'not-found)
                      (incf offset)))))))
      (%df-search tree nil)

(defun nth-repeat (subscripts tree)
  "Given the list of SUBSCRIPTS, will subsequently evaluate
`nth' with every subscript on the result of the previous evaluation
 such as to find the element in the TREE."
  (let ((result tree))
    (dolist (i subscripts result)
      (setq result (nth i result)))))

 (depth-first-search '(1 (1 1 2) (1 1 1 3)) 3)
 '(1 (1 1 2) (1 1 1 3)))



(defun depth-first-search (tree searched &optional comparator)
  "TREE is the nested list of elements to search, SEARCHED
is the element to search for, COMPARATOR is the function used
to compare elements of the tree to the searched element, if
you don't provide any, then `equal' is used.
Returns a list of subscripts to be used with `nth' to find the
searched element. If the result is `nil', the list itself
is the searched element. If the result is not a list,
the `not-found' symbol, then the element was not found."
  (unless comparator (setq comparator #'equal))
  (let ((operations 'not-found))
    (labels ((%df-search
              (item ops)
              (if (funcall comparator item searched)
                  (setq operations (reverse ops))
                (let ((offset 0))
                  (when (consp item)
                    (block outer
                       (lambda (x)
                         (%df-search (car x) (cons offset ops))
                         (when (or (not (eq operations 'not-found))
                                   (not (listp (cdr x))))
                           (return-from outer))
                         (incf offset))
      (%df-search tree nil)

(defun nth-repeat (subscripts tree)
  "Given the list of SUBSCRIPTS, will subsequently evaluate
`nth' with every subscript on the result of the previous evaluation
 such as to fint the element in the TREE."
  (let ((result tree))
    (dolist (i subscripts result)
      (setq result (nth i result)))))

(defvar my-list '(((partnum . 1)
                   (1.1 (type (TEXT . plain)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                        (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                   (1.2 (type (TEXT . html)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                        (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                   (type . alternative) (body (boundary e89a8fb2067eba300404c63c5f7f))
                   (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding nil))
                  ((partnum . 1.1) (type (TEXT . plain)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                   (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                  ((partnum . 1.2) (type (TEXT . html)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                   (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                  ((partnum . 2) (type (IMAGE . x-xpixmap)) (body (name ladybug.xpm))
                   (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding BASE64))))

 my-list '(charset UTF-8))              ; (0 1 2 1)

  my-list '(charset UTF-8)) my-list)    ; (charset UTF-8)

可能,这不是解决问题的最佳方法,但更好的解决方案需要更改算法以记录cars 和cdrs 的序列,从而将您带到有问题的元素。在这种情况下,您还可以在列表的“不当”部分进行搜索。但现在为时已晚:) 也许明天。

编辑 2

(defun tree-to-proper-tree (tree)
   ((null tree) nil)
   ((consp tree)
    (let ((head
           (if (consp (car tree))
               (tree-to-proper-tree (car tree))
             (car tree))))
    (cons head
          (tree-to-proper-tree (cdr tree)))))
   (t (list tree))))

(defun find-path-to (tree node &optional comparator)
  (unless comparator (setq comparator #'equal))
  (let ((operations 'not-found))
    (labels ((%df-search
              (item ops)
              (if (funcall comparator item node)
                  (setq operations (reverse ops))
                (when (consp item)
                      (%df-search (car item) (cons 'car ops))
                      (%df-search (cdr item) (cons 'cdr ops))))))
      (%df-search tree nil)

(defun c*r-path (path tree)
  (dolist (i path tree)
    (setq tree (funcall i tree))))

(defvar my-list '(((partnum . 1)
                   (1.1 (type (TEXT . plain)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                        (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                   (1.2 (type (TEXT . html)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                        (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                   (type . alternative) (body (boundary e89a8fb2067eba300404c63c5f7f))
                   (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding nil))
                  ((partnum . 1.1) (type (TEXT . plain)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                   (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                  ((partnum . 1.2) (type (TEXT . html)) (body (charset UTF-8))
                   (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding 7BIT))
                  ((partnum . 2) (type (IMAGE . x-xpixmap)) (body (name ladybug.xpm))
                   (disposition nil) (transfer-encoding BASE64))))

(tree-to-proper-tree my-list) ; the same lists as above but made into a proper lists

(c*r-path (find-path-to my-list 'UTF-8) my-list) ; UTF-8
(c*r-path (find-path-to my-list 'plain) my-list) ; plain



于 2012-08-11T09:06:15.413 回答

正如 Rainer 的回答暗示的那样,您遇到的问题是 cons 单元格的 cdr 可能指向一个列表,或者它可能指向某种其他类型的对象;您的search-rec功能不能防止后一种可能性。

这是您正在寻找的 Elisp 版本(未经彻底测试;适用于您的示例数据):

(defun find-charset (l)
  (catch 'my-result
    (find-charset-do l)))

(defun find-charset-do (l)
  (when (and (consp l) 
             (listp (cdr l)))
    (if (and (eq (car l) 'charset)
             (symbolp (cadr l)))
        (throw 'my-result (cadr l))
      (dolist (e l)
        (find-charset-do e)))))
于 2012-08-12T02:06:32.677 回答