add_action('admin_menu', 'hotel_bid_hook');
function hotel_bid_hook()
add_submenu_page("edit.php?post_type=oteller","Hotel Bids", "Hotel Bids", "manage_options", "hotel-bids", "hotel_bid_page");
function hotel_bid_page() {
// Displays a list of bids for hotels and an EDIT button for every bid
如您所见,有一个列出所有出价的酒店出价页面。我也想再创建一页。此页面有一个用于编辑出价的 HTML 表单。我正在像这样修改我的源代码:
add_action('admin_menu', 'hotel_bid_hook');
function hotel_bid_hook()
add_submenu_page("edit.php?post_type=oteller","Hotel Bids", "Hotel Bids", "manage_options", "hotel-bids", "hotel_bid_page");
add_submenu_page("edit.php?post_type=oteller","Edit Hotel Bids", "Edit Hotel Bids", "manage_options", "edit-hotel-bid", "edit_hotel_bid");
function hotel_bid_page() {
// Displays a list of bids for hotels and an EDIT button for every bid
// Edit buttons will be like this : <a href="?page=edit-hotel-bid&hotelID=1">
function edit_hotel_bid()
// HTML Web form
但这一次,在oteller custom post type下有一个Edit Hotel Bids链接。