
interface Ai1ec_Renderable {
     * This is the main function, it just renders the method for the element,
     * taking care of childrens ( if any )
    public function render();


abstract class Ai1ec_Can_Have_Children {
     * @var array
    protected $renderables = array();
     * Adds a renderable child to the element
     * @param Ai1ec_Renderable $renderable
    public function add_renderable_children( Ai1ec_Renderable $renderable ) {
        $this->renderables[] = $renderable;

所以如果对象可以有孩子,它会扩展抽象类。出现问题是因为我有第二个用于 html 元素的抽象类

abstract class Ai1ec_Html_Element {
     * @var string
    protected $id;
     * @var array
    protected $classes = array();
     * @param $id string        
    public function set_id( $id ) {
        $this->id = $id;

    public function add_class( $class ) {
        $this->classes[] = $class;
    protected function create_class_markup() {
        if (empty( $this->classes )) {
            return '';
        $classes = implode( ' ', $this->classes );
        return "class='$classes'";
    protected function create_attribute_markup( 
    ) {
        if (empty( $attribute_value )) {
            return '';
        return "$attribute_name='$attribute_value'";

The problem is that all the objects of the composite must implement the interface, some of them must extend only the first class ( can_have_children ) but not the second ( this is because they are higher level abstraction that configure another renderable object to do the job ), some of them the second but not the first and some of them both classes.

Have i done somthing wrong while designing my classes?How do i come out of it? The most obvious way is to make a class duplicating some code

abstract class Ai1ec_Can_Have_Children extends Ai1ec_Html_Element {
     * @var array
    protected $renderables = array();
     * Adds a renderable child to the element
     * @param Ai1ec_Renderable $renderable
    public function add_renderable_children( Ai1ec_Renderable $renderable ) {
        $this->renderables[] = $renderable;

this would work, but it's a smell that something is not right, as i would need to duplicate code if i add something to Can_Have_Children. What should i do?

P.S. No traits, i support 5.2


2 回答 2


It seems there are two major responsibilities here: rendering and having children. So I would start with two separate interfaces:

interface Renderable {
  public function render();

interface Container {
  public function addChild(Renderable $renderable);

Then have a concrete implementation of Container (not abstract):

class BasicContainer implements Container, Renderable {
  /* similar to your Ai1ec_Can_Have_Children class */

Then you can define your HTML element classes as follows, using composition instead of inheritance for adding container functionality:

abstract class HtmlElement implements Renderable {
  /* similar to your Ai1ec_Html_Element class */

abstract class ContainerHtmlElement extends HtmlElement implements Container {
  private $container = new BasicContainer();

  public function addChild(Renderable $renderable) {

  public function render() {
于 2012-08-11T23:49:41.303 回答

Two important Design Pattern principles can be found here:

  1. Program to an interface and not an implementation
  2. Favor object composition over inheritance

If you look at the original class diagram in the GoF book, you'll see that the Component interface has two implementations: Leaf and Composite. The Leaf participant only implements the Operation() and none of the others. For example, consider the following:

class Leaf implements IComponent
    private $sName;
    public function __construct($sNodeName)


    /* None of this batch of methods are used by Leaf */
    /* However in order to correctly implement the interface */
    /* you need some kind of implementation */
    public function add(IComponent $comOn){}
    public function remove(IComponent $comGone){}
    public function getChild($someInt){}

    /* Some userful content is required for the operation */
    public function operation()
        echo $this->sName . "<br />";


So while the Leaf participant in the pattern only implements the operation() method, it has dummy implementations of the other interface methods. You can find more details at:




The Composite is one of the few where you'll find this kind of "one-wing" implementation.

于 2014-07-30T12:20:48.013 回答