What is the type-class equivalent to the following existentially quantified dictionary, inspired by the Pipe
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, PolymorphicComponents #-}
data PipeD p = forall cat . PipeD {
isoI :: forall a b m r . Iso (->) (p a b m r) (cat m r a b),
categoryI :: forall m r . (Monad m) => CategoryI (cat m r) ,
monadI :: forall a b m . (Monad m) => MonadI (p a b m) ,
monadTransI :: forall a b . MonadTransI (p a b) }
The rough idea I'm going for is trying to say that given the (PipeLike p)
constraint, we can then infer (MonadTrans (p a b), Monad (p a b m)
and (using pseudo-code) (Category "\a b -> p a b m r")
The CategoryI
and MonadI
are just the dictionary equivalents of those type-classes that I use to express the idea that Category
, Monad
, and MonadTrans
are (sort of) super-classes of this PipeLike
The Iso
type is just the following dictionary storing an isomorphism:
data Iso (~>) a b = Iso {
fw :: a ~> b ,
bw :: b ~> a }