在强制关闭虚拟机后,我收到了这条 git 消息,这显然损坏了 git 索引

Git: Failed to read object abcdef.... Invalid argument


通过 HD 故障恢复损坏的 git



3 回答 3


让我们进入它并尝试解决它。仅在也不起作用时才使用此方法git reflog,因为显然您的索引已损坏,并且 reflog 无法从损坏的索引中读取。


这有你的 git 当前所在的分支的名称。

probably具有 git 能够注册的最后一次良好提交的 SHA。如果是的话,瞧!

复制它(比如 X),在终端执行:
git show X > interim.patch


还要将此 SHA (X) 复制到HEAD文件的内容中。
这告诉 git 将此更改视为当前位置,它可以接受,因为它已经在一段时间前注册了它。

到现在为止,如果你做一个git branch,你就会搬到(no branch).

所以现在你有了你的改变。这样做git checkout -f <branch-name>


  • 到一个 git 分支上
  • git 已恢复

做一个git apply interim.patch如果顺利的话,意味着你有你的改变。
然后继续正常的 git 步骤。

  • git add .
  • git commit -am 'Message'


于 2012-08-10T18:58:30.443 回答

Using @Arindam's answer above didn't work for me, but a variation of it did, I hope someone else finds it useful:

At this point you're in GIT limbo. You can't checkout a new branch with the state of the current branch, likely because the reflog is corrupted.

Before you continue:

  • Backup your project files somewhere else
  • Note down the last successful SHA1 from .git/logs/HEAD immediately prior to the one that GIT says it cannot find an object for (as per @Arindam above)

In my scenario I knew roughly when the files who's changes I had "lost" were last edited - approx 4 hours ago - so running the following fetches all my project files that were edtited between my last successful commit and now:

$> cd my/project/dir
$> find . -type f -mmin -240 -exec grep -l "$1" {} \; | xargs ls -l
  • Note down the output of the find command into a text file somewhere as you'll be backing these up somewhere and you'll need to know which directories they came from to know where to copy them "back" to.

Copy these files somewhere else manually (e.g. into /tmp/backup) or by extending the command to do it manually (I had about a dozen, so by hand wasn't such a chore)

  • Edit .git/HEAD and replace its contents with the SHA you noted down above
  • Edit .git/ORIG_HEAD and do the same

    $> git branch

GIT should tell you "(no branch)"

$> git log

GIT should give you the log message for the SHA1 you noted above

Now create a new branch:

$> git checkout -b my_new_branch

Now copy all the files from /tmp/backup into their correct locations and run:

$> git commit -a -m "Some commit"

You're done. You should now be in a new branch called "my_new_branch" with all the files modified between the last most successful commit and now committed and safe.

Now tar this lot up and back this up somewhere!

于 2013-06-04T09:58:50.193 回答


于 2012-08-10T23:32:23.567 回答