我已经在这里查看过文章并在 Google 上搜索,直到我的指尖都变蓝了。我已经阅读了阅读和阅读,但似乎无法理解 Sharepoint2010 中的 CAML 连接。
问题:有人可以给我看一个完整的例子,说明CAML Join Query 与 SQL Join Query 的比较吗?
*For Example (SQL of Course, just something to work with)*
If I had a Database named "whatever" & it contained two tables.
We'll name these "tableA" & "tableB", respectively.
Let's say they look like this:
- tableA -
ID | Column1 | Column2 | Column3
- tableB -
ID | Column4 | Column5 | Column6
SELECT tableA.Column1, tableA.Column2, tableB.Column4
FROM tableA
INNER JOIN tableB ON tableA.ID = tableB.ID
Would give me something like:
- newTable -
Column1 | Column2 | Column4
result | result | result
result | result | result
result | result | result
所以,我的问题是,我能否得到一个在 Sharepoint 2010 中使用 CAML 连接查询字符串不执行相同操作的确切示例?