我正在阅读http://www.khronos.org/网站,只找到了 OpenCL 的标头(不是我不关心的 OpenGL)。如何获取 OpenCL SDK?
7 回答
AMD 的 ATI Stream SDK 非常适合我,它使用多核 cpu。我有一个 Intel CPU 和一个 NVIDIA 卡,但它可以使用 CPU。只需注册,不需要像 Nvidia 这样的特殊选择:http: //developer.amd.com/GPU/ATISTREAMSDKBETAPROGRAM/Pages/default.aspx
我让它在 ubuntu 9.04 中工作。只需下载该页面上也提供的安装说明 PDF:s,它应该可以工作。
There isn't a Khoronos OpenCL SDK as such. Khoronos puts out the spec, and then individual members can release their implementations and SDKs. The easiest way to get a working OpenCL implementation that is well tested is to be a registered Apple Select Developer and download the Snow Leopard seed. Apparently ATI has beta drivers and libraries, but they are not publicly available yet. I believe NVidia has released a beta Windows OpenCL SDK, but I have no idea what the requirements to use that are.
OpenCL is an open standard and I am sure in the future there will be widely available free implementations, but as of this moment your options are limited to either the vendor who provides your card unless you are running Snow Leopard.
您可以在此处从 Nvidia 下载所有需要的工具、SDK 和驱动程序:OpenCL 下载页面
对我来说,OpenCL 最好的一点是您根本不需要 SDK,因为它在一个通用接口后面抽象了不同的供应商实现(请参阅此线程中的答案: 我真的需要 OpenCL SDK 吗?)。
我刚刚为 Linux编写了OpenCL how-to 。
这是用于 Mali mpbile GPU 的 ARM OpenCL SDK http://malideveloper.arm.com/develop-for-mali/sdks/mali-opencl-sdk/