我有 5 个数据网格视图,每个有 5 到 15 列...
我的 bindingSource 使用实现 Sortable 的 BindingList:http ://www.tech.windowsapplication1.com/content/sortable-binding-list-custom-data-objects
我已经搜索了一段时间,但找不到为什么我可以设置 bindingSource.Filter,但它什么也没做:S
我找到了数据表或 c# 的示例,但我还没有找到 Vb.net 和 BindingSource 的示例...
Public Function reqTable(Of T)(ByVal pTable As String, ByVal pNoProjet As Integer,
Optional ByVal strAdditionnalConditions As String = "") As BindingSource
Dim lstRetour As New cclSortableBindingList(Of T)(New List(Of T))
Dim bsRetour As New BindingSource(lstRetour, "")
rsRequestCSV = conSQL.Execute("SELECT * FROM " & pTable & " WHERE NoProjet = " &
pNoProjet & " " & strAdditionnalConditions)
With rsRequestCSV
While Not .EOF
lstRetour.Add(Activator.CreateInstance(GetType(T), New Object()
{rsRequestCSV.Fields})) 'New clsTable(rsRequestCSV.Fields))
End While
End With
bsRetour.Filter = "Quantite < 3"
Return bsRetour
End Function