I did this camera class for "debugging" my graphics, it works fine, but I dont get why it ends up zooming out more then in.
I implemented a zoom functionality that works by dragging the screen with the right mouse button(RMB) (with the left you really drag the screen around), it works like the Unity editor zoom (when you hold alt and use theRMB, its a zoom functionality)
The thing is, if I hold the RMB and shake it like a moron, the zooming will zoom out more than zoom in, and eventually let everything tinny....I know its kinda stupid worry of mine, but means theres something not very precise there.. in the unity editor, shaking it like a moron will not make things eventually get super zoomed out...
Can anyone tell me what is causing this behaviour? Kinda tricky..heres my class, dont mind the simpleness, i just throwed it for debugging:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media;
namespace Shooter
/// <summary>
/// Provides a camera controllable by mouse.
/// Controls include dragging the "screen"...
/// </summary>
class MouseCamera2D
private Matrix m_mView; // stores the camera state (position, scale/zoom, rotation)
public Matrix ViewMatrix { get { return m_mView; } }
public Vector3 GetPosition() { return m_mView.Translation; }
public float m_scaleProportion = 0.01f; // the "speed" to scale, multiplies the offset from mouse drag
// input data
private MouseState m_mouseStateRef;
private MouseState m_mouseStatePreviows = new MouseState();
private KeyboardState m_kbStateRef;
private KeyboardState m_kbStatePreviows = new KeyboardState();
public Keys m_resetZoomKey = Keys.Z;
//private GraphicsDevice m_graphicsDeviceRef;
// ctor
public MouseCamera2D(MouseState mouseState_p, KeyboardState kbState_p/*, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice_p*/){
if (mouseState_p == null ||kbState_p == null /*|| graphicsDevice_p == null*/) throw new Exception("cant be null"); // needs the reference
//m_graphicsDeviceRef = graphicsDevice_p;
m_mouseStateRef = mouseState_p; // init the reference
m_kbStateRef = kbState_p;
m_mView = Matrix.Identity; // set a valid matrix
//zoomPivot = new Vector2(m_graphicsDeviceRef.Viewport.Width * 0.5f, m_graphicsDeviceRef.Viewport.Height * 0.5f);
public void InputUpdate()
m_mouseStatePreviows = m_mouseStateRef;
m_mouseStateRef = Mouse.GetState();
m_kbStatePreviows = m_kbStateRef;
m_kbStateRef = Keyboard.GetState();
private void InputDragControl()
//mouseStatePreviows = mouseStateRef;
// mouseStateRef = Mouse.GetState();
if (m_mouseStateRef.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
// check if its a drag or a new pivot point
if (m_mouseStatePreviows.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
m_mView.M41 += (m_mouseStateRef.X - m_mouseStatePreviows.X);
m_mView.M42 += (m_mouseStateRef.Y - m_mouseStatePreviows.Y);
Vector3 zoomPivot;
private void InputScaleControl()
if (m_mouseStateRef.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
// check if its a drag or a new pivot point
if (m_mouseStatePreviows.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)
float scale = ((m_mouseStateRef.X - m_mouseStatePreviows.X) + (m_mouseStateRef.Y - m_mouseStatePreviows.Y)); //compute distance with "1d direction"(not abs)
if (scale != 0.0f)
scale *= m_scaleProportion;
//center zoom on mouse cursor:
m_mView *=
Matrix.CreateScale(1.0f + scale)
// new press, get pivot point:
zoomPivot.X = m_mouseStateRef.X;
zoomPivot.Y = m_mouseStateRef.Y;
private void InputZoomOriginal()
if( m_kbStateRef.IsKeyDown(m_resetZoomKey) )
m_mView *=