I am wondering if there is a short cut for my current problem.

I have a List abcList.

It contains 3 type of objects/Entity A B C (they did not inherit a common interface or parent, with exception to Object>.

They are hibernate Entity.

I have 3 overloaded method.

process(A a)
process(B b)
process(B C)

I was hoping to loop the

List abcList and just calling process();

for(Object o: abcList) process(o);

is there an easy solution for my current problem? I am implementing a class that contain 3 different type of object List.

Automatically Create Wordpress Posts for Each Photo in my Media Folder

When I'm designing Wordpress sites for clients, many of the theme designs I use consist of several posts, each with one photo and a bit of text. As a result, I end up spending lots of time creating lots of posts with one picture each-- just so the layout works as expected. It seems like there should be a way to bulk add images to the Media folder (I use the Add from Server plugin) and then tell WP to create a bunch of separate posts containing one photo each.

Does anyone know how to do this? It seems like professional theme designers would get a lot of use out of a plugin that did this automatically.

Thanks! Chimera


3 回答 3



于 2012-08-10T02:48:25.380 回答


于 2012-08-10T04:33:39.177 回答


interface Visitable {
    void accept(Visitor v);

那么,Visitor 是您为每种具体类型定义流程方法的地方:

interface Visitor {
    void process(A a);
    void process(B b);
    void process(C c);

现在,一个具体的 Visitable 能够调用适当的重载,process()因为它当然在编译时知道它自己的具体类型。例如:

class A implements Visitable {
    void accept(Visitor v) {


List<Visitable> abcList = ...;
Visitor visitor = ...;

for (Visitable o : abcList) {


于 2012-08-10T03:26:30.583 回答