我试图找出使用服务代理将 SQL Server 事件通知发送到单独服务器的最简单方法。我已经在每台服务器上建立了一个端点,在每台服务器上建立了一个队列,处理对话和合同以及激活......但我需要这些吗?

CREATE EVENT NOTIFICATION说它可以将通知 XML 发送到“目标服务” - 所以我可以在“发送”服务器上创建一个指向“接收服务器”上的队列的合同,并在那里使用激活吗?



1 回答 1


You can target the remote service, but you have to have the ROUTEs defined for bidirectional communication so that you get the Acknowledgement message back. I once had a script for creating a centralized processing server for all Event Notifications, and the other servers targeted it's service. If I can find it I'll post it on my blog and update this with a link.

于 2013-02-21T18:01:40.610 回答