You've been excellent with my other questions previously - so here I am again, in need of some help!
I've got a query which joins three tables and a strongly typed dataset which has the columns defined for everything which comes back from the query. When I go to fill the dataadapter, nothing gets filled. I've copied the code from another method, so I presume it's okay - the only difference is that this query has joins. Any help appreciated, code follows:
select gsh.locid, locations.description, GSH.workorder, GSH.comstatus, GSH.teststatus, GSH.fireresult, GSH.lightresult, GSH.watercold, GSH.waterhot, GSH.responsedate, GSH.comments, GSH.testername
from gsh_vhs_locations locs
left outer join locations on locs.maximoloc = locations.location
left outer join gsh_vhs_comms GSH on locs.LOCID = GSH.locid
where gsh.insertdate > sysdate-7
order by locid, locations.description, GSH.workorder, GSH.comstatus, GSH.teststatus, GSH.fireresult, GSH.lightresult, GSH.watercold, GSH.waterhot, GSH.responsedate, GSH.comments, GSH.testername
ResponseSheet Tests = new ResponseSheet();
DataSet ReturData = new DataSet();
OracleDataAdapter da;
using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(ConnString))
OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText = @"select gsh.locid, locations.description, GSH.workorder, GSH.comstatus, GSH.teststatus, GSH.fireresult, GSH.lightresult, GSH.watercold, GSH.waterhot, GSH.responsedate, GSH.comments, GSH.testername
from gsh_vhs_locations locs
left outer join locations on locs.maximoloc = locations.location
left outer join gsh_vhs_comms GSH on locs.LOCID = GSH.locid
where gsh.insertdate > sysdate-7
order by locid, locations.description, GSH.workorder, GSH.comstatus, GSH.teststatus, GSH.fireresult, GSH.lightresult, GSH.watercold, GSH.waterhot, GSH.responsedate, GSH.comments, GSH.testername ";
da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd.CommandText, conn);
da.MissingMappingAction = MissingMappingAction.Error;
da.TableMappings.Add("Table", "ResponseSheet");
da.Fill(ReturData, "ResponseSheet");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine(TimeStamp() + ex.Message.ToString() + "Get Capture Report (TraceCode: 00019)");
return ReturData;
As you can see, I've turned the error reporting for table mappings on, but I get no errors at run time, just an empty dataset (da = null)
Anything you can help with guys, just poke random google phrases at me if needs be - thanks :)