我有这个用于在网站上显示视频的 java 脚本。该视频在网站上启动并正常播放。但是,当我插入相同的 javascript 并将其放入字符串中并尝试在 iPad 模拟器上加载视频时,它会卡住。难道我做错了什么?
NSMutableString *playerString = [[[NSMutableString alloc] init] autorelease];
[playerString appendString:@"<!-- Start of Brightcove Player --> <div style=\"display:none\"> </div> <!-- By use of this code snippet, I agree to the Brightcove Publisher T and C found at https://accounts.brightcove.com/en/terms-and-conditions/. --> <script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://admin.brightcove.com/js/BrightcoveExperiences.js\"></script> <object id=\"myExperience1778612770001\" class=\"BrightcoveExperience\"> <param name=\"bgcolor\" value=\"#FFFFFF\" /> <param name=\"width\" value=\"480\" /> <param name=\"height\" value=\"270\" /> <param name=\"playerID\" value=\"1776746869001\" /> <param name=\"playerKey\" value=\"AQ~~,AAABnWrZAiE~,vOZcyTPVgHpcrcOyFdRZXnunkRSWEVpt\" /> <param name=\"isVid\" value=\"true\" /> <param name=\"isUI\" value=\"true\" /> <param name=\"dynamicStreaming\" value=\"true\" /> <param name=\"@videoPlayer\" value=\"1778612770001\" /> </object> <!-- This script tag will cause the Brightcove Players defined above it to be created as soon as the line is read by the browser. If you wish to have the player instantiated only after the rest of the HTML is processed and the page load is complete, remove the line. --> <script type=\"text/javascript\">brightcove.createExperiences();</script> <!-- End of Brightcove Player -->"];
NSLog(@"\n------------Script :%@\n-----------------------", playerString);
//videoPlayer is the webview
[self.videoPlayer loadHTMLString:playerString baseURL:nil];