I have a stored procedure which returns the status of databasemail in SQL Server, which return string "stopped" or "started". I must use it in C#, Silverlight and WCF Data Service.
Here's my code:
contex.BeginExecute<String>(new Uri(uri2), OnQueryComplete3, null);
private void OnQueryComplete3(IAsyncResult result)
grLog.ItemsSource = contex.EndExecute<String>(result).ToList<String>();
And I have error:
Error processing response stream. The XML element contains mixed content.
The service operation:
public IQueryable<String> Status_Serwer()
return CurrentDataSource
I find ".NET 4.0 still doesn't support materialization of responses from service operations returning primitive or complex types (or collections of those)." in this duscussion http://go4answers.webhost4life.com/Example/incoking-webget-throws-exception-56000.aspx. Is it true?