
简单明了...我正在考虑通过 Android 访问多个数据库,其中一些可能包含超过 10,000 条记录。从我所看到的返回 JSON 的 Web 服务是实现这种性质的方式,但我认为这不能完全回答我的问题,也不知道这是否是解决此问题的首选方式。

再深入一点……我现在在市场上有一些应用程序,但这将是我第一次尝试企业风格的应用程序,而且我访问的公共 Web 服务的占用空间比现在要小得多。我在服务器/网络管理领域几乎没有经验,这是我被绊倒的地方。这是从头开始的,我必须能够获得完成这项任务所需的几乎所有资源。

如果有帮助的话,后端似乎有一个 SQL Server 2008。如果我需要提供更多详细信息,请告诉我。我正在寻找一种能够处理组织增长、可扩展性、身份验证和用户易用性的解决方案......所以也要记住这一点。




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If you don't have an API/service yet, you need to write one on top of your database.

I can think of two approaches, depending upon your use case.

  1. Paging: Setup an API that supports paging, and show the results page by page. The user can't possibly view 10000 records in one go.

  2. Search and suggest: Try creating a suggestion list, when the user starts typing out something. Fetch results that start with the initial characters entered. However, the API should limit the results to a comfortable number, so that you don't have to parse a lot.

Depending on your use case, you could try one of these.

于 2012-08-09T14:55:18.263 回答