I've set up a Web API project using Ninject, and I've used the fix detailed here for getting it to work with the latest version of the Web API. Everything is working fine, but I'm now trying to write some tests.
I'm using in-memory hosting to run the project for the tests, as detailed here, as I have a DelegatingHandler
that performs authentication and then sets a property on the request message that is used by all the Api Controllers.
So, I've got a base class for my tests, and have a SetUp
method where I set up the HttpServer
and configuration, which I've pretty much taken from my working Ninject code:
public void Setup()
bootstrapper = new Bootstrapper();
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
new { controller = "Users", action = "Login" });
config.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy =
config.DependencyResolver =
new NinjectResolver(CreateKernel());
new AuthenticationHandler(CreateUserManager()));
Server = new HttpServer(config);
This is how I create the MoqMockingKernel
private static IKernel CreateKernel()
var kernel = new MoqMockingKernel();
.ToMethod(ctx => () => new Bootstrapper().Kernel);
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver =
new NinjectResolver(kernel);
return kernel;
And this is how I register the objects to use:
private static void RegisterServices(IKernel kernel)
While I'm not testing the Controller per se, I do want a proper instance of it to be called, which is why I'm binding it ToSelf. I must admit that I am assuming that this is correct. This is an example of a test:
public void UserCannotLogin()
System.Net.Http.HttpClient client =
new System.Net.Http.HttpClient(Server);
string json = string.Format(
"{{ \"Username\": \"{0}\", \"Password\": \"{1}\" }}",
"wrong", "wrong");
HttpRequestMessage request =
CreateRequest(@"api/auth/token", json, HttpMethod.Get);
Action action = () => client.SendAsync(request);
using (var response = client.SendAsync(request).Result)
I'm basically getting a 404 error. When I debug it, it does go to my DelegatingHandler
, but it doesn't go to my controller.
I get the feeling that I'm fundamentally missing a point here, and it may not even be possible to do what I'm trying to do, but if anyone has any suggestions for either how to do this, or a different way to achieve the same thing, I'm all ears.
Update I think that it's because the default behaviour of the MockingKernel
is to provide a Mock unless told otherwise, so it is returning a Mock of IHttpControllerSelector
. I've set up a couple of default ones now:
It's still not working, I think because there are no formatters specified. I'll try that tomorrow and see if that gets me there.