I am using the Piece of code given here :

http://jsfiddle.net/qsem9/ from scrolling list problem

in an image list slider, and it is working nicely , but when I try to fill the list dynamically with youtube thumbnails (also using another code taken from http://jsfiddle.net/naveen/tqWxc/ also from, How to get a youtube playlist using javascript API and json)

trying to merge the two codes together to show sliding images this will cause the jquery effect to change from scrollTop to jumping or something else but not scrolling at all. I thought the problem in the initial size of the list item that document ready grabbed initially So I manually added one list item to preserve the size. this will slide nicely only the first two images but after that it will start the the jumper sliding. Here is the example



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于 2012-08-09T12:49:27.060 回答