I've got a DataTable bound to a WPF (.NET 3.5, WPFToolkit.dll) DataGrid. This is inside a very large client-server application. The server can asynchronously send data to the client "engine"; this data is sent in the form of properties which are set onto my control by the engine.

So, as an example of what I mean, I have a class MyFunkyDataGrid : DataGrid. MyFunkyDataGrid has a DependencyProperty called MyFunkyData which is of type Dictionary<string, Object>. Whenever MyFunkyData is changed on the server, it is immediately synchronized on the client, and set onto MyFunkyDataGrid. When MyFunkyData changes, I rip through the dictionary and set the data onto my grid's DataTable.

Of course, when this happens, I first need to clear the DataTable of its current data. So I call dataTable.Clear(). Normally this works a treat. BUT if I am currently editing a cell in MyFunkyDataGrid when the dataTable is cleared I get:

System.ExecutionEngineException was unhandled
  Message=Exception of type 'System.ExecutionEngineException' was thrown.

which crashes my app. I've tried calling CancelEdit() on MyFunkyDataGrid, I've tried calling it on the DataRow itself. I've tried calling RejectChanges() on the DataTable before I call Clear(). No dice.

Has anyone ever seen something like this before?


1 回答 1


我不确定为什么即使在清除数据表之前调用 datagrid.CancelEdit() 也会引发异常。但是在清除数据网格之前可以采取另外两个预防措施,这可能会避免异常:



于 2012-08-13T12:41:49.627 回答