我想要做的是强制本地数据库承担服务器数据库的更改。但是,当使用 data-adapter.update 时,它没有注意到任何变化,因为它重新加载服务器数据集的方式是清除它,然后从头开始重新加载。
是否有任何有效的方法将服务器数据集强制到本地数据集,然后强制本地数据集在 BGW 中重写数据库?正如我之前所说,如果我只是清除本地服务器并将服务器一台复制到本地一台,则 data-adapter.update 似乎不会保存更改。
dsLocalDB.Clear() 'Clear the local dataset
dsLocalDB = dbServerDB.Copy 'copy the server dataset to the local dataset
LoadData() 'let the application reload all the new records
Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daLocalDB) 'Create a COmmand Builder
For i = 1 To TableNames.GetUpperBound(0) 'Loop through all the tables which have been stored as an array
For Each row As DataRow In dsLocalDB.Tables(TableNames(i)).Rows 'Loop through the rows, so we can see if it detects modified data. For testing purposes.
If row.RowState = DataRowState.Modified Then 'Its found modified data!
MsgBox("Found Modified Data Row!") 'Output a message
Exit For 'exit the for loop
End If
daLocalDB.Update(dsLocalDB, TableNames(i)) 'Update the local database
Next i