如何在 LINQ 中执行此 SQL 查询:
select * from chat c
left outer join lead s on c.key = s.id
where (typeId = 5 AND c.key = @clientId) OR (c.typeId = 4 AND s.clientId = @clientId)
或者这个 SQL 查询——相同,相同
select * from chat c
where (typeId = 5 AND c.key = @clientId) OR (typeId = 4 AND c.key in (select id from lead where clientId = @clientId))
var chatter = (from chat in linq.Chat
join lead in linq.Lead
on chat.key equals lead.Id.ToString() into clientLeads
from cl in clientLeads.Where(l => l.clientId == clientId).DefaultIfEmpty()
where (chat.typeId == 5 && chat.key == clientId.ToString()) ||
(chat.typeId == 4 && chat.key == cl.Id.ToString())
select chat).WithPath(prefetchPath).OrderByDescending(c => c.CreatedDate);
上面的 LINQ 查询没有从后面的 WHERE 子句中产生任何结果,我错过了什么?