我维护了几个 Web 应用程序,我想添加一些“不错的”报告/分析页面。构建一次很简单(例如使用flot或类似的绘图库),但不知何故,似乎应该有一个报告生成库,它“只是”生成必要的图形而无需太多编码+提供一些过滤能力。


  • 必须在 Linux 上工作
  • 开源是首选,尽管闭源也很有效,只要定价模型也适用于小型安装
  • 需要 Python API(或使用标准 Web 协议的外部服务)

我意识到这并不是一个独特的问题,但我找不到具有相同范围的其他 stackoverflow 问题。任何指针表示赞赏。

更新(2012-08-09,15:10 UTC):我意识到我没有说明更多的要求/愿望:

  • 用于访问报告的 Web 界面
  • 访问控制:每个用户只能获取关于他自己的数据的报告(使用库很简单,使用外部服务器可能很难)
  • 过滤:我需要基于某些参数(例如“仅在此时间范围内的事件”、“仅在 X 位置”)对值进行交互式过滤。

1 回答 1


Windward* is one software company that offers a solution that seems to meet most of your needs. They offer a Python API through either Jython or a RESTful API (their Java Engine and Javelin, respectively), and their main strength is that template design is done in Microsoft Office, so reports can be very flexible and are easy to put together (most people already know how to use Word, so there's also much less learning curve than other solutions out there). You can add dynamic filters that take parameters at runtime or change on-the-fly, you can output to a variety of formats including HTML and PDF, and it works with pretty much every major datasource. For a web interface, you can either build your own and easily integrate reporting into it (Engine) or buy one pre-built and modify it to your specifications (Javelin).

On the downside, they are closed-source and without knowing more about your setup, it would be difficult for me to say whether their pricing would work. Might be worth a look, though--the links above and their documentation wiki are probably good places to start looking to see if you're a fit.

*Disclaimer: I work for Windward. I do believe they are one of the better reporting packages out there, but there are others that may fit your needs too.

于 2012-08-09T19:42:56.597 回答