I searched for the answers to these questions before, but couldn't find them - so I apologize if they have been answered already, or appear stupid. I am new to learning about databases, and am pretty confused.

I am helping someone who wants to build a website with a database. It is supposed to have secure html links, secure password and username inputs, and relatively low bandwidth use. It will also handle financial transactions, and should work with Paypal.

  1. My partner is familiar with Visual Studio. Can the .net framework produce anything other than asp pages (like html or other language formats), or is every webpage produced a .asp?

  2. How is Visual Studio for working with MySQL?

  3. If the answer to #2 is terrible, then I was thinking of using PHPMyAdmin with MySQL. How is this for secure front-ends? Would this allow me to easily interface with a MySQL backend? Would this be my best bet considering #1? Or should I take a look at other programs/frameworks?

  4. Are there any programs that help with back-end work, or does it all have to be coded by hand? If there are any, does anyone have recommendations considering the above? Would PHPMyAdmin, Microsoft SQL Server, or Xataface have a GUI to help do any back-end work?

Thanks a lot,


1 回答 1


我的搭档熟悉 Visual Studio。.net 框架能否生成除 asp 页面(如 html 或其他语言格式)以外的任何内容,或者每个网页都生成一个 .asp?

ASP.NET 生成 HTML。这些页面可能具有aspx扩展名,.html但它们呈现的内容是常规 HTML。您可以同时使用 HTML 控件和 ASP.NET 控件。使用 ASP.NET 控件提供了一些优势,但如果您不想这样做,则不必这样做。

Visual Studio 如何使用 MySQL?如果您担心能够在不使用其他管理工具的情况下从 VS 连接到 MySQL 数据库,那么答案是肯定的,您可以做到;然而,VS 强大的原因不仅仅是这种能力:比如智能感知、大量可供您使用的库、开箱即用的强大控件等。

如果#2 的答案很糟糕,那么我正在考虑将 PHPMyAdmin 与 MySQL 一起使用。这对于安全的前端来说如何?这能让我轻松地与 MySQL 后端交互吗?考虑到#1,这是我最好的选择吗?或者我应该看看其他程序/框架?

PHPMyAdmin 是一个与 MySQL 交互的工具;它允许您运行查询、创建数据库、表等,但它不会帮助您创建“安全前端”本身。有许多工具可以做与 PHPMyAdmin 相同的工作。其中之一是MySQL Workbench。就安全性而言,您几乎可以使用任何类型的数据库来构建安全网站;它实际上比任何工具提供的任何功能都更多地取决于您如何设计和编程您的应用程序。

是否有任何程序可以帮助后端工作,还是必须手动编码?如果有的话,考虑到上述情况,有人有建议吗?PHPMyAdmin、Microsoft SQL Server 或 Xataface 是否有 GUI 来帮助完成任何后端工作?

就 MS SQL Server 而言,您可以使用 SQL Server Management Studio。您可以从那里创建数据库、表、存储过程、函数、索引、视图、用户等,当您连接到 MS SQL Server 2008 DB 或更高版本时,它会提供智能感知。

于 2012-08-09T02:28:26.493 回答