我需要将一些 CSV 导入 Excel 电子表格,每个 CSV 的行/列号都不同。问题是某些值是长数字字符串
, 例如
Excel 会将这些值视为(双)数字,然后导致数据丢失。
Sub readCSV(f As TextStream, sh As Worksheet)
i = 1
l = Trim(f.ReadLine)
If l = "" Then Exit Sub 'skip the last empty line(s)
l = Mid(l, 2, Len(l) - 1)
ss = Split(l, """,""")
For j = LBound(ss) To UBound(ss) 'j starts from 0
Dim a As Range
With sh.Cells(i, j + 1)
.NumberFormat = "@" 'Force to text format
.Value = ss(j)
End With
DoEvents 'Avoid blocking the GUI
Next j
i = i + 1
Loop Until f.AtEndOfStream
End Sub
问题是性能。它比通过 Data->From Text 导入数据或直接打开 CSV 慢得多。