了解 PayFlow 交易流程以及如何开发它。
1.- 我打算使用 SDK 方法和 NVP 调用,就像在发布版本的示例中一样。但是,我不知道我是否应该使用更像安全证书或服务调用的东西(我尝试从 .Net Wizard 调用 wsdl 服务,但我找不到任何与 PayFlow Transactions 相关的服务)。
2.- 另外,在 PDF 中:
有一些示例,例如第 29 页中的示例,说明:
//Typical Sale Transaction Parameter String
//The following is a typical PARMLIST string passed in a Sale transaction.
E=John&LASTNAME=Smith&STREET=123 Main St.&CITY=San
//Note that, besides the required parameters that you pass in a Sale transaction, this string
//includes other typical parameters. The COMMENT1 (and COMMENT2) fields help to track
//transaction information. The customer’s street address (STREET) and zip should be passed to
//use address verification service. CVV2 is needed for card security code validation.
在那个例子中我不明白为什么要使用 CCV2 参数两次。另外,我不知道 INVNUM 和 PONUM 参数是什么意思。此外,我知道如果我不通过 CCV2(安全代码)参数和地址参数,测试将成功,但这些不是强制性的吗?这让我有点困惑,因为对于 DirectPayment 服务,它们是。
//Level 2 and Level 3 data is generally considered non-financial data. Lack of adequate data
//may cause a transaction to be downgraded.PayPal generally requires up to Level 2 information in
//an Authorization transaction followed by additional Level 3 data in the associated
//Delayed Capture transaction. A Sale transaction should include all Level 3 data
//since it is authorized and later settled.