我已经尝试实现 Nguyen Widrow 算法(如下),它似乎运行正常,但我有一些后续问题:

  • 这看起来像一个正确的实现吗?

  • Nguyen Widrow 初始化是否适用于任何网络拓扑/大小?(即5层AutoEncoder)

  • Nguyen Widrow 初始化对任何输入范围都有效吗?(0/1、-1/+1 等)

  • Nguyen Widrow 初始化对任何激活函数都有效吗?(即 Logistic、Tanh、Linear)

下面的代码假设网络已经被随机化为 -1/+1 :

        ' Calculate the number of hidden neurons
        Dim HiddenNeuronsCount As Integer = Me.TotalNeuronsCount - (Me.InputsCount - Me.OutputsCount)

        ' Calculate the Beta value for all hidden layers
        Dim Beta As Double = (0.7 * Math.Pow(HiddenNeuronsCount, (1.0 / Me.InputsCount)))

        ' Loop through each layer in neural network, skipping input layer
        For i As Integer = 1 To Layers.GetUpperBound(0)

            ' Loop through each neuron in layer
            For j As Integer = 0 To Layers(i).Neurons.GetUpperBound(0)

                Dim InputsNorm As Double = 0

                ' Loop through each weight in neuron inputs, add weight value to InputsNorm
                For k As Integer = 0 To Layers(i).Neurons(j).ConnectionWeights.GetUpperBound(0)
                    InputsNorm += Layers(i).Neurons(j).ConnectionWeights(k) * Layers(i).Neurons(j).ConnectionWeights(k)

                ' Add bias value to InputsNorm
                InputsNorm += Layers(i).Neurons(j).Bias * Layers(i).Neurons(j).Bias

                ' Finalize euclidean norm calculation
                InputsNorm = Math.Sqrt(InputsNorm)

                ' Loop through each weight in neuron inputs, scale the weight based on euclidean norm and beta
                For k As Integer = 0 To Layers(i).Neurons(j).ConnectionWeights.GetUpperBound(0)
                    Layers(i).Neurons(j).ConnectionWeights(k) = (Beta * Layers(i).Neurons(j).ConnectionWeights(k)) / InputsNorm

                ' Scale the bias based on euclidean norm and beta
                Layers(i).Neurons(j).Bias = (Beta * Layers(i).Neurons(j).Bias) / InputsNorm



1 回答 1


Nguyen & Widrow 在他们的论文中假设输入介于 -1 和 +1 之间。Nguyen Widrow 初始化对任何长度有限的激活函数都有效。同样在他们的论文中,他们只讨论了 2 层神经网络,不确定 5 层神经网络。


于 2013-01-14T11:25:41.087 回答