我无法让 ffi-rzmq gem 在 Windows 上工作。
我已经从这里安装了 ZeroMQ 2.2 的 Windows 安装程序: http ://www.zeromq.org/distro:microsoft-windows
我已将 C:\Program Files\ZeroMQ 2.2.0\bin 添加到我的 PATH 变量中。
然后我安装了 ffi 和 ffi-rzmq gems
gem install ffi
gem install ffi-rzmq
但是当我启动一个 irb 并运行时:
require 'ffi-rzmq'
irb(main):001:0> require 'ffi-rzmq'
Unable to load this gem. The libzmq library (or DLL) could not be found.
If this is a Windows platform, make sure libzmq.dll is on the PATH.
For non-Windows platforms, make sure libzmq is located in this search path:
mq/../../ext/libzmq.dll", "/usr/local/lib/libzmq.dll", "/opt/local/lib/libzmq.dl
l", "/usr/local/homebrew/lib/libzmq.dll", "/usr/lib64/libzmq.dll"]
奇怪的是,Zero MQ安装程序似乎没有打包一个libzmq.dll,只有libzmq-v100-mt.dll