i'm using this plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cool-video-gallery/) on my wordpress website to display a gallery of videos.

Now, since i want the videos look good in every mobile devices, i need to resize the size of the vídeos in different resolutions. I take a look at the code and it looks it's in this function:

    jwplayer('video_fancy_cvg_slide_gallery_<?php echo $galleryID.'
  _ '.$place_holder;?>').setup({
      'file': this.href,
      "autostart": "<?php echo $autoplay;?>",
      "controlbar": "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_controlbar']; ?>",
      "flashplayer": "<?php echo $cool_video_gallery->plugin_url . "
      cvg - player / player.swf "; ?>",
      "volume": "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_volume']; ?>",
      "width": "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_width']; ?>",
      "height": "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_height']; ?>",
      "mute": "<?php echo $mute; ?>",
      "stretching": "<?php echo $options_player['cvgplayer_stretching']; ?>",
      "skin": "<?php echo $cool_video_gallery->video_player_url . 'skins/' . $options_player['cvgplayer_skin'] . '-skin/' . $options_player['cvgplayer_skin']  . '.xml' ?>"


This a problem for me since it's inside a jquery function, there's no way i can resize the videos with css media queries or can I?


1 回答 1



在“视频播放器设置”页面,您可以设置视频播放器的宽度和高度。如果您将这两个输入留空,则不会将宽度和高度内联样式添加到包含的 div 中,并且它将根据页面的尺寸调整大小。

如果你想确保它是响应式的,你可以在你的 CSS 中添加一个 width: 100% 到包含的 div:

#mediaplayer_gallery_1_wrapper {
    width: 100%;
于 2013-07-23T04:02:49.710 回答