I tried simpless, but is not supported now for linux. I tried with wine, and later another alternatives. I don't want to type: lessc file.less > file.less each time I modify a file.

Any good compiler, confortable, automatically, for less CSS?

What is the linux tool that has same functionality as WinLESS i.e. that compiles less files whenever they change taking into account which less files include which?


1 回答 1


最明显的方法是在 Node.js 上运行 javascript 实现。

对于 Ubuntu,首先安装nodejsnpm,然后查看这些使用Node.js 将 LESS 编译为 CSS 的说明。你应该让它像这样

npm install -g less
lessc mystyle.less
于 2012-08-08T11:01:57.947 回答