How to avoid B Class object creation from outside world, and allow through only A Class ?

I have 2 classes

public class A {
    B obj = null;
    public A() {
        obj = new B();
    public void methodA () {
    // other methods

public class B {
    public void methodB () {
        // some logic            
    //other methods

public class Client {
    public static void main (String s[]) {
        // Valid Call            
        A obj = new A();
        obj.methodA();  // Since methodB is called internally

        // Invalid Call , How to restrict this B object creation here ?
        B objB = new B();


9 回答 9


One solution I can think of is to use a inner static class of A: KeyToB with a private constructor, that is needed by B to be instanciated. Therefore, there is only A that can instanciate B, which can be in a different file.

public class A {
    B obj = null;
    public A() {
        obj = new B(instance);
    public void methodA() {
    // other methods ..

    //The key to have the right to instanciate B, only visible in A
    private static KeyToB instance = new KeyToB();

    public static class KeyToB{
        private KeyToB() {

public class B {
    //The constructor is package visible, it need a non null instance of KeyToB . If someone use new B(null), it will get a RuntimeException
    B(KeyToB instance) {
        if (instance == null){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("B can only be instanciated by A");
    public void methodB() {     
于 2012-08-08T07:21:26.957 回答

Try to make the class B as an inner class of class A and specify the scope of class B as private

class A {
    B b = null;
    public A() {
    b = new B();    
     public void testA() {
       return b.methodB();

    private class B {

         public void methodB () {             
                   // some logic                     



于 2012-08-08T07:16:45.217 回答

Use the concept of Inner Class.

Private members of the Outer Class (ie Enclosing Class) is accessible to all the Inner Class (ie Enclosed Class) within it, and vice-versa

So let Class A be the Outer Class, and Class B as the private Inner Class

public  class A {

        B obj;

        public A() {

        obj = new B(); 


        private class B {

             public void methodB () {             


于 2012-08-08T07:46:24.763 回答

A simple solution is to put both A and B in the sample package. Then make class B public but its constructor package access or protected:

Class A would be:

package my;
public class A {}

and class B would be:

package my;
public class B {
   B() {}

If class B is actually not needed outside the package, you can also even make the class itself a package access one.

于 2012-08-08T07:14:29.080 回答

Put the B class in the same package as A, and make its constructor package-protected. Only the classes from the same package will be able to invoke it.

于 2012-08-08T07:15:22.413 回答

You can make B a inner (static) class of A with private constructor.

class B {

    public A createA() {
        A a = new A();
        return a;

    public static class A {
        private A() {}

于 2012-08-08T07:16:34.320 回答

You can use private static nested class:

    public class A {
        private static class B {
            public void methodB () {
                // some logic            
            //other methods

        B obj = null;

        public A() {
            obj = new B();
        public void methodA () {
         // other methods
于 2012-08-08T07:17:33.213 回答
public class A {

    private class B{

        private B(){


    public B createB(){
        return new B();

于 2012-08-08T07:21:42.917 回答

Here is solution, its working ..

public class A {

    public static boolean isFromAClass = false;
    B obj = null;

    public A() {
        try {
            isFromAClass = true;
            obj = new B();
            isFromAClass = false;
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void methodA() {
    // other methods

public class B {

    public B () throws Exception {
        if(!A.isFromAClass) {
            throw new Exception();
    public void methodB() {
        // some logic
    //other methods

public class Client {

    public static void main(String s[]) throws Exception {
        // Valid Call
        A obj = new A();
        obj.methodA();  // Since methodB is called internally

        // Invalid Call , How to restrict this B object creation here ?
        B objB = new B(); // this line throws Exception


A, B, Client class may be in any package.

using public static boolean isFromAClass = false; field, it is achieved.

Only I need to change, instead od generalized Exception, it should be customized Exception as OutSideAClassBClassInstanceShouldNotBeCreated

于 2012-08-08T07:41:22.547 回答