I am creating a lot of Powerpoint Slides in a loop, using Interop and VB.NEt 4.0 and I have trouble solving a strange powerpoint crash.

The creation of slides works well in most cases, but sometimes Powerpoint runs into a problem of its own and stops working properly. Most of the times it just stops responding oder crashes immediately. Detecting this failure is easy, just evaluate the H_Result. But sometimes there is a more challenging failure: Powerpoint stops responding but does not throw an exception. It simply stops working until somebody manually tries to push a button in Powerpoint, which will generate an exception. But if nobody pushes this button, Powerpoint will stay frozen indefinitely. Due to this condition, my code will never have a chance to evaluate the problem. This is especially annoying if you want to create a huge number of Slides at night and it stops after Slide 50. Does anybody have an idea how to solve this problem. This whole program runs in an Backgroundworker - so maybe my main thread can ask the bgw every minute or so "are you still alive?" But how to implement this.

Below is a simple Outline of the Backgroundworkercode.

Basically, it's look like this:

Dim SlideNumber as Integer =0
Dim PowerpointHasCrashed as Boolean
Dim Slide as pptns.Slide

do while SlideNumber<ListOfSlidesTobeCreated.Count-1 and PowerpointHasCrashed =False

catch ex as exception
   If ex.message like PowerPointFailue then
      PowerpointHasCrashed =True
   End If    
end try

SlideNumber +=1
end while

If PowerpointHasCrashed =true then
SlideNumber -=1
'Do some Stuff to repair the Damage and start the loop again.
End If

1 回答 1


After some struggle, i simply used the Backgroundworker.Reportsprogress sub to set a datetime variable to now. Every 3 minutes a timer checks this variable, if this variable is older than 5 minutes, Powerpoint will be killed and restartet. Because every finished slides causes reportsprogress to increase, this works very well.

于 2012-09-27T10:11:56.703 回答