我是 Java 新手,正在尝试编译这个清单程序。我不断收到相同的错误消息,无法弄清楚我错过了什么。错误是找不到符号,它在第 10、18、20、21、22、23 行任何说 Inventory 有指向它们的 ^ 符号。我附上了我绞尽脑汁并尽我所能尝试的一切,我将不胜感激。

//Camera inventory program
import java.util.Arrays; 

public class InventoryProgram2
public static void main( String args [])
      //instantiate camera object
      Inventory myInventory = new Inventory();

      //displays welcome message
System.out.println( "Camera Invenotry Program");
System.out.println();//skips a line

//create and initialize an array of Cameras
Inventory[] Camera = new Inventory[4];

Camera[0] = new Inventory( 1980, "Cannon Rebel T3", 20, 489.99);
Camera[1] = new Inventory( 2120, "Nikon CoolPix L810", 5, 279.99);
Camera[2] = new Inventory( 1675, "Sony CyberShot HX200V", 12, 479.99);
Camera[3] = new Inventory( 1028, "Fujifilm FinePix S4300", 3, 199.99);

//for each array element, output value

for(int count = 0; count < Camera.length; count++)
    Camera[count] = count+1;

    System.out.printf("Product Number: %4.2f\n", Camera[count].getprodNumber() );
    System.out.printf("Product Name: %s\n", Camera[count].getprodName() );
    System.out.printf("Units In Stock: %.2f\n", Camera[count].getunitsTotal() );
    System.out.printf("Unit Price: $%4.2f\n", Camera[count].getunitPrice() );
    System.out.printf("Inventory Value: $%4.2f\n", Camera[0].gettotalInventory() );
    System.out.println();//blank line to seperate products

    }//end for 

}//end main method

}//end public class InventoryProgram2

class Camera

private int prodNumber;//product number
private String prodName;//product name
      private int unitsTotal;//total units in stock
      private double unitPrice;//price per unit
private double totalInventory;//amount of total inventory

//initializa four-argument constructor
public Camera ( int number, String name, int total, double price)
     prodNumber = number;
     prodName = name;
     setUnitsTotal (total);//validate and store total of camera
     setUnitPrice (price);//validate and store price per camera

}//end four-argument constructor

public void setProdNumber (int number)
          prodNumber = number;

      public int getProdNumber()
    return prodNumber;

public void setProdName (String name)
    prodName = name;
      public String getProdName()
    return prodName;

public void setUnitsTotal (int total)
    unitsTotal = total;
public int getUnitsTotal()
    return unitsTotal;
      public void setUnitPrice (double price)
    unitPrice = price;
      public double getUnitPrice()
    return unitPrice;

// method to set Inventory value
//public void setInventoryValue(double value)

//InventoryValue = value;
//}end method setInventoryValue

//method to get InventoryValue
//public double getInventoryValue()
// return InventoryValue;
//} //end method to getInventoryValue

public double getInventoryValue()
    return unitPrice * unitsTotal;
}//end method to getInventoryValue

//method to set TotalInventory
//public void setTotalInventory(double value)

//TotalInventory = total;
//}end method setTotalInventory

//method to get TotalInventory
//public double getTotalInventory()

//return TotalInventory;
//}end method to getTotalInventory

}//end class Camera


第 10 行:错误:Camera 类中的构造函数 Camera 不能应用于给定类型;相机 myCamera = new Camera(); 必需:int、String、int、double 找到:无参数 原因:实际参数列表和形式参数列表的长度不同

第 29 行:错误:不兼容的类型 Inventory[count] = count+1 ^ required:Camera found: int

第 31、32、33、34、35 行:错误找不到符号 System.out.printf(......) [count].getprodNumber ^ 符号:方法 getprodNumber() 位置:类 Camera



//相机盘点程序 import java.util.Arrays;

public class Inventory
public static void main( String args [])
      //instantiate camera object
      Camera myCamera = new Camera();

//displays welcome message
System.out.println( "Camera Invenotry Program");
System.out.println();//skips a line

//create and initialize an array of Cameras
Camera[] Inventory = new Camera[4];

Inventory[0] = new Camera( 1980, "Cannon Rebel T3", 20, 489.99);
Inventory[1] = new Camera( 2120, "Nikon CoolPix L810", 5, 279.99);
Inventory[2] = new Camera( 1675, "Sony CyberShot HX200V", 12, 479.99);
Inventory[3] = new Camera( 1028, "Fujifilm FinePix S4300", 3, 199.99);

//for each array element, output value

for(int count = 0; count < Inventory.length; count++)
      Inventory[count] = count+1;

      System.out.printf("Product Number: %4.2f\n", Inventory[count] .getprodNumber() );
      System.out.printf("Product Name: %s\n", Inventory[count] .getprodName() );
      System.out.printf("Units In Stock: %.2f\n", Inventory[count] .getunitsTotal() );
      System.out.printf("Unit Price: $%4.2f\n", Inventory[count] .getunitPrice() );
      System.out.printf("Inventory Value: $%4.2f\n", Inventory[0] .gettotalInventory() );
      System.out.println();//blank line to seperate products

    }//end for 

}//end main method

}//end public class Inventory

class Camera

private int prodNumber;//product number
private String prodName;//product name
      private int unitsTotal;//total units in stock
      private double unitPrice;//price per unit
private double totalInventory;//amount of total inventory

//initializa four-argument constructor
public Camera ( int number, String name, int total, double price)
     prodNumber = number;
     prodName = name;
     setUnitsTotal (total);//validate and store total of camera
     setUnitPrice (price);//validate and store price per camera

}//end four-argument constructor

public void setProdNumber (int number)
    prodNumber = number;

      public int getProdNumber()
    return prodNumber;

public void setProdName (String name)
    prodName = name;
      public String getProdName()
    return prodName;

public void setUnitsTotal (int total)
    unitsTotal = total;
public int getUnitsTotal()
    return unitsTotal;
      public void setUnitPrice (double price)
    unitPrice = price;
      public double getUnitPrice()
    return unitPrice;

// method to set Inventory value
//public void setInventoryValue(double value)

//InventoryValue = value;
//}end method setInventoryValue

//method to get InventoryValue
//public double getInventoryValue()
// return InventoryValue;
//} //end method to getInventoryValue

public double getInventoryValue()
    return unitPrice * unitsTotal;
}//end method to getInventoryValue

//method to set TotalInventory
//public void setTotalInventory(double value)

//TotalInventory = total;
//}end method setTotalInventory

//method to get TotalInventory
//public double getTotalInventory()

//return TotalInventory;
//}end method to getTotalInventory

}//end class Camera

2 回答 2


看起来你的 Camera 类真的应该被称为 Inventory。您在主应用程序类中使用 Camera 作为变量名而不是类型。

更改class Cameraclass Inventory

public Camera ( int number, String name, int total, double price)

public Inventory ( int number, String name, int total, double price)


于 2012-08-08T03:31:41.660 回答


于 2012-08-08T03:28:37.127 回答