我会马上解决我真正的问题/问题,有没有办法访问 HttpMessageConverter 内控制器的处理程序方法上的注释?我很确定答案是否定的(在浏览了 Spring 的源代码之后)。

使用 MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter 时,还有其他方法可以配对使用Jackson Mixins吗?我已经实现了我自己的基于 MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter 的 HttpMessageConverter 来“升级”它以使用 Jackson 2.0。


public class Controller {

    @JsonFilter({ @JsonMixin(target=MyTargetObject.class, mixin=MyTargetMixin.class) })
    @RequestMapping(value="/my-rest/{id}/my-obj", method=RequestMethod.GET, produces="application/json")
    public @ResponseBody List<MyTargetObject> getListOfFoo(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
        return MyServiceImpl.getInstance().getBarObj(id).getFoos();

@JsonFilter是我希望传递给映射器的自定义注释,然后可以自动将其直接馈送到 ObjectMapper。


public class MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter extends AbstractHttpMessageConverter<Object> {


    protected void writeInternal(Object object, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage) {

            //Obviously, no access to the HandlerMethod here.



我已经广泛搜索了这个答案。到目前为止,我只看到人们在 Controller 的处理方法中将他们的对象序列化为 JSON(在每个方法中都反复违反DRY 原则)。或者直接注释他们的数据对象(没有解耦或如何公开对象的多重配置)。

可能是无法在 HttpMessageConverter 中完成。还有其他选择吗?拦截器可以访问 HandlerMethod,但不能访问处理程序方法的返回对象。


3 回答 3



我使用ModelAndViewResolver. 您可以直接使用 注册这些,并且AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter知道它们总是在默认处理发生之前首先启动。因此,Spring的文档 -

 * Set a custom ModelAndViewResolvers to use for special method return types.
 * <p>Such a custom ModelAndViewResolver will kick in first, having a chance to resolve
 * a return value before the standard ModelAndView handling kicks in.
public void setCustomModelAndViewResolver(ModelAndViewResolver customModelAndViewResolver) {
    this.customModelAndViewResolvers = new ModelAndViewResolver[] {customModelAndViewResolver};


public interface ModelAndViewResolver {

    ModelAndView UNRESOLVED = new ModelAndView();

    ModelAndView resolveModelAndView(Method handlerMethod,
            Class handlerType,
            Object returnValue,
            ExtendedModelMap implicitModel,
            NativeWebRequest webRequest);

看看所有那些美味的论点resolveModelAndView!我几乎可以访问 Spring 知道的关于请求的所有内容。以下是我实现接口的MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter方式,以单向方式(向外)与除了非常相似的行为:

public class JsonModelAndViewResolver implements ModelAndViewResolver {

    public static final Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = Charset.forName("UTF-8");

    public static final MediaType DEFAULT_MEDIA_TYPE = new MediaType("application", "json", DEFAULT_CHARSET);

    private boolean prefixJson = false;

    public void setPrefixJson(boolean prefixJson) {
        this.prefixJson = prefixJson;

     * Converts Json.mixins() to a Map<Class, Class>
     * @param jsonFilter Json annotation
     * @return Map of Target -> Mixin classes
    protected Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> getMixins(Json jsonFilter) {

        Map<Class<?>, Class<?>> mixins = new HashMap<Class<?>, Class<?>>();

        if(jsonFilter != null) {
            for(JsonMixin jsonMixin : jsonFilter.mixins()) {
                mixins.put(jsonMixin.target(), jsonMixin.mixin());

        return mixins;

    public ModelAndView resolveModelAndView(Method handlerMethod, Class handlerType, Object returnValue, ExtendedModelMap implicitModel, NativeWebRequest webRequest) {

        if(handlerMethod.getAnnotation(Json.class) != null) {

            try {

                HttpServletResponse httpResponse = webRequest.getNativeResponse(HttpServletResponse.class);


                OutputStream out = httpResponse.getOutputStream();

                ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();


                JsonGenerator jsonGenerator =
                        objectMapper.getJsonFactory().createJsonGenerator(out, JsonEncoding.UTF8);

                if (this.prefixJson) {
                    jsonGenerator.writeRaw("{} && ");

                objectMapper.writeValue(jsonGenerator, returnValue);


                return null;

            } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            } catch (IOException e) {

        return UNRESOLVED;


上面使用的唯一自定义类是我的注释类@Json,其中包含一个名为mixins. 这是我在控制器端实现它的方法。

public class Controller {

    @Json({ @JsonMixin(target=MyTargetObject.class, mixin=MyTargetMixin.class) })
    @RequestMapping(value="/my-rest/{id}/my-obj", method=RequestMethod.GET)
    public @ResponseBody List<MyTargetObject> getListOfFoo(@PathVariable("id") Integer id) {
        return MyServiceImpl.getInstance().getBarObj(id).getFoos();

这是一些非常棒的简单性。ModelAndViewResolver 将自动将返回对象转换为 JSON 并应用带注释的 mix-ins。

由于新的 3.0 标签不允许直接配置 ModelAndViewResolver。也许他们只是忽略了这一点?

我的旧配置(使用 Spring 3.1 样式)

<mvc:annotation-driven />

我的新配置(使用 Spring 2.5 风格

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter"> 
    <property name="customModelAndViewResolvers">
            <bean class="my.package.mvc.JsonModelAndViewResolver" />

^^ 3.0+ 无法连接自定义 ModelAndViewResolver。因此,切换回旧样式。



public @interface Json {

     * A list of Jackson Mixins.
     * <p>
     * {@link http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonMixInAnnotations}
    JsonMixin[] mixins() default {};



public @interface JsonMixin {
    public Class<? extends Serializable> target();
    public Class<?> mixin();
于 2012-08-08T18:33:02.590 回答

在下面发布答案后,我改变了我的做法。我用了一个HandlerMethodReturnValueHandler。我必须创建一个编程 Web 配置来覆盖顺序,因为自定义返回值处理程序是最后触发的。我需要在默认值之前触发它们。

public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport {


这使我可以将任何对象直接序列化为 JSON。在 @RequestMapping hasproduces="application/json" 中,我总是将返回值序列化为 JSON。

我对参数绑定做了同样的事情,只是我使用了HandlerMethodArgumentResolver. 只需使用您选择的注释来注释您的类(我使用 JPA @Entity 因为我通常会序列化为模型)。

您现在可以在 Spring 控制器中无缝 POJO 到 JSON 反/序列化,而无需任何样板代码。

奖励:我拥有的参数解析器将检查参数的 @Id 标记,如果 JSON 包含 Id 的键,则检索实体并将 JSON 应用于持久对象。巴姆。

 * De-serializes JSON to a Java Object.
 * <p>
 * Also provides handling of simple data type validation.  If a {@link JsonMappingException} is thrown then it
 * is wrapped as a {@link ValidationException} and handled by the MVC/validation framework.
 * @author John Strickler
 * @since 2012-08-28
public class EntityArgumentResolver implements HandlerMethodArgumentResolver {

    private SessionFactory sessionFactory;

    private final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(EntityArgumentResolver.class);

    //whether to log the incoming JSON
    private boolean doLog = false;

    public boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter parameter) {
        return parameter.getParameterType().getAnnotation(Entity.class) != null;

    public Object resolveArgument(MethodParameter parameter, ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer, NativeWebRequest webRequest, WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) throws Exception {

        HttpServletRequest request = webRequest.getNativeRequest(HttpServletRequest.class);
        String requestBody = IOUtils.toString(request.getReader());
        Class<?> targetClass = parameter.getParameterType();
        Object entity = this.parse(requestBody, targetClass);
        Object entityId = getId(entity);

        if(doLog) {

        if(entityId != null) {
            return copyObjectToPersistedEntity(entity, getKeyValueMap(requestBody), entityId);
        } else {
            return entity;

     * @param rawJson a json-encoded string
     * @return a {@link Map} consisting of the key/value pairs of the JSON-encoded string
    private Map<String, Object> getKeyValueMap(String rawJson) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException {
        return objectMapper.readValue(rawJson, HashMap.class);

     * Retrieve an existing entity and copy the new changes onto the entity.
     * @param changes a recently deserialized entity object that contains the new changes
     * @param rawJson the raw json string, used to determine which keys were passed to prevent
     *                copying unset/null values over to the persisted entity
     * @return the persisted entity with the new changes copied onto it
     * @throws NoSuchMethodException
     * @throws SecurityException
     * @throws InvocationTargetException
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    private Object copyObjectToPersistedEntity(Object changesObject, Map<String, Object> changesMap, Object id) throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {

        Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();

        Object persistedObject =
                session.get(changesObject.getClass(), (Serializable) id);


        if(persistedObject == null) {
            throw new ValidationException(changesObject.getClass().getSimpleName() + " #" + id + " not found.");

        Class<?> clazz = persistedObject.getClass();

        for(Method getterMethod : ReflectionUtils.getAllDeclaredMethods(clazz)) {

            Column column = getterMethod.getAnnotation(Column.class);

            //Column annotation is required
            if(column == null) {

            //Is the field allowed to be updated?
            if(!column.updatable()) {

            //Was this change a part of JSON request body?
            //(prevent fields false positive copies when certain fields weren't included in the JSON body)
            if(!changesMap.containsKey(BeanUtils.toFieldName(getterMethod))) {

            //Is the new field value different from the existing/persisted field value?
            if(ObjectUtils.equals(getterMethod.invoke(persistedObject), getterMethod.invoke(changesObject))) {

            //Copy the new field value to the persisted object
            log.info("Update " + clazz.getSimpleName() + "(" + id + ") [" + column.name() + "]");

            Object obj = getterMethod.invoke(changesObject);

            Method setter = BeanUtils.toSetter(getterMethod);

            setter.invoke(persistedObject, obj);


        return persistedObject;

     * Check if the recently deserialized entity object was populated with its ID field
     * @param entity the object
     * @return an object value if the id exists, null if no id has been set
    private Object getId(Object entity) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {

        for(Method method : ReflectionUtils.getAllDeclaredMethods(entity.getClass())) {
            if(method.getAnnotation(Id.class) != null) {
                return method.invoke(entity);

        return null;

    private <T> T parse(String json, Class<T> clazz) throws JsonParseException, IOException {
        try {
            return objectMapper.readValue(json, clazz);
        } catch(JsonMappingException e) {
            throw new ValidationException(e);

    public void setDoLog(boolean doLog) {
        this.doLog = doLog;

于 2013-01-23T16:19:42.693 回答

我不知道这是由于我使用的 Spring 版本(5)还是我做错了什么,但这里的答案对我不起作用。我最终做的是用所需的 ObjectMapper 注册一个 RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor。

PushCard.getObjectMapperForDTO() 是我的方法,它返回一个已经拥有正确 Mixins 的 ObjectMapper。您显然可以使用自己的方法,根据需要进行配置。


public class SidekickApplicationConfiguration implements WebMvcConfigurer {
    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SidekickApplicationConfiguration.class);

    private RequestMappingHandlerAdapter requestHandler;

    RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor registerReturnValueHandler() {
        List<HttpMessageConverter<?>> messageConverters = new ArrayList<>();
        messageConverters.add(new MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter(PushCard.getObjectMapperForDTO()));

        logger.info("Registering RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor with DTO ObjectMapper...");
        RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor r = new RequestResponseBodyMethodProcessor(messageConverters);
        return r;
于 2019-08-07T18:39:27.887 回答