每天一次,两种表格都被提交并通过电子邮件发送到指定的电子邮件地址。但是,提交的表单显然不是来自真实用户,这是因为所有字段都包含数字 1。例如,名称字段将是名称:1,地址字段将是地址:1。对于所有输入文本字段,甚至单选框和复选框表单字段,都会重复数字 1。
下面是我用来提交估算表单请求的 PHP 文件的副本。
$subject="Associated Sennott Contractors Request For Estimate From:".$_GET['firstname'];
$headers= "From: ".$_GET['email']."\n";
$headers.='Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1';
mail("email@gmail.com", $subject, "
<title>Associated Sennott Contractors Request For Estimate</title>
<p><strong>Associated Sennott Contractors Request For Estimate</strong></p>
First Name: ".$_GET['firstname']." <br />
Last Name: ".$_GET['lastname']." <br />
Company Name: ".$_GET['company']." <br />
Address 1: ".$_GET['address1']." <br />
Address 2: ".$_GET['address2']." <br />
City: ".$_GET['city']." <br />
State: ".$_GET['state']." <br />
Zip: ".$_GET['zip']." <br />
Phone: ".$_GET['phone']." <br />
Fax: ".$_GET['fax']." <br />
Email: ".$_GET['email']." <br /><br />
<strong>Property Type:</strong><br />
Residential Single Family: ".$_GET['singlefamily']." <br />
Residential Multi-Family: ".$_GET['multifamily']." <br />
Residential Out-Building : ".$_GET['outbuilding']." <br />
Commercial Office: ".$_GET['commercial']." <br />
Retail Store: ".$_GET['retail']." <br />
Restaurant: ".$_GET['restaurant']." <br />
Industrial Building: ".$_GET['industrial']." <br /><br />
<strong>Requested Services:</strong><br />
Fire, Water or Wind Damage Restoration: ".$_GET['restoration']." <br />
Scope of Loss Estimate to Insurance Company: ".$_GET['scope']." <br />
Smoke Odor Remediation: ".$_GET['smoke']." <br />
Exterior Remodeling or Siding: ".$_GET['exterior']." <br />
Interior Remodeling: ".$_GET['interior']." <br />
Hardwood and Laminate Flooring: ".$_GET['flooring']." <br />
Finish Carpentry: ".$_GET['carpentry']." <br />
Demolition and Debris Removal: ".$_GET['demo']." <br />
Exterior Decks, Patios and Fencing: ".$_GET['patio']." <br />
Other: ".$_GET['other']." <br /><br />
<strong>Additional Information:</strong><br />
Message: ".$_GET['info']."
</html>" , $headers);
header( 'Location: thankyou.html' ) ;
您还可以通过以下链接查看 PHP 代码:http: //sennottcontractors.com/home-repair-estimate/quote-code.html
然后,您可以查看下面实际表单的 HTML 代码:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Request An Estimate Form</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function formSubmit()
<legend><h3>Request a Home Restoration Estimate</h3></legend>
<form id="estimate-form" name="estimate-form" target="_parent" method="get" action="quote.php" onsubmit='return formValidator()'>
<p><strong>Contact Information</strong></p>
<p>First Name: *<br />
<input type="text" size="40" name="firstname" id="firstname" /></p>
<p>Last Name: *<br />
<input type="text" size="40" name="lastname" id="lastname" /></p>
<p>Company Name:<br />
<input type="text" size="40" name="company" id="company" /></p>
<p>Address 1: *<br />
<input type="text" size="40" name="address1" id="address1" /></p>
<p>Address 2:<br />
<input type="text" size="40" name="address2" id="address2" /></p>
<p>City: *<br />
<input type="text" size="30" name="city" id="city" /></p>
<p>State: *<br />
<input type="text" size="5" name="state" id="state" /></p>
<p>Zip: *<br />
<input type="text" size="10" name="zip" id="zip" /></p>
<p>Phone: *<br />
<input type="text" size="20" name="phone" id="phone" /></p>
<p>Fax:<br />
<input type="text" size="20" name="fax" id="fax" /></p>
<p>Email: *<br />
<input type="text" size="40" name="email" id="email" /></p>
<br />
<p><strong>Property Type</strong> *</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="singlefamily" id="singlefamily"/> Residential Single Family</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="multifamily" id="multifamily"/> Residential Multi-Family <em>(Condominium, apartment, town house, ect)</em></p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="outbuilding" id="outbuilding"/> Residential Out-Building <em>(Garage, shed, ect)</em></p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="commercial" id="commercial"/> Commercial Office</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="retail" id="retail"/> Retail Store</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="restaurant" id="restaurant"/> Restaurant</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="industrial" id="industrial"/> Industrial Building</p>
<br />
<p><strong>Requested Services</strong> *</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="restoration" id="restoration"/> Fire, Water or Wind Damage Restoration</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="scope" id="scope"/> Scope of Loss Estimate to Insurance Company</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="smoke" id="smoke"/> Smoke Odor Remediation</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="exterior" id="exterior"/> Exterior Remodeling or Siding</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="interior" id="interior"/> Interior Remodeling</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="flooring" id="flooring"/> Hardwood and Laminate Flooring</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="carpentry" id="carpentry"/> Finish Carpentry</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="demo" id="demo"/> Demolition and Debris Removal</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="patio" id="patio"/> Exterior Decks, Patios and Fencing</p>
<p><input type="checkbox" name="other" id="other"/> Other</p>
<br />
<p><strong>Additional Information</strong><br />
Please provide any information regarding details of your home restoration project or additional information to your requested services.</p>
<p><textarea rows="10" cols="65" id="info" name="info"></textarea></p>
<button type="submit" id="submit" onclick="formSubmit()">Submit</button>
<p>* Required Fields</p>
使用上述 PHP 文件和代码的 Request an Estimate 表单,您可以通过以下链接查看:http: //sennottcontractors.com/home-repair-estimate/index.html
同样,“请求估算表”和“联系表”每天都提交一次,每个表单字段中的数字为 1。
我的猜测是,这可能是 PHP 文件本身的问题,也可能是托管网站的服务器端的问题。