I have a problem in my drupal installation..in the content type page i can't drag and drop lines and i see two columns :weight and parent :image1 The problem had application on the content add form like that: image2 If there any configuration to add or to remove or any help to provide i will be very grateful Thanks


1 回答 1


对不起..这似乎是一个服务器配置问题..我上传了一个'virgin'drupal安装到我的远程服务器(producton erver)并且我安装没有任何补充模块,只是具有所有文件的777权限的核心模块..但同样的问题仍然存在..我怀疑我正在使用的 php 版本(5.2.17 而不是 5.3.10)

于 2012-08-08T00:39:58.137 回答