我在数组中有一组纬度和经度坐标。当在 Google 地图中绘制为多边形上的点时,它们大致形成一个从西向东指向的不规则椭圆。


对我来说重要的是保留了总距离 - 应保留以英里为单位的多边形的总长度和宽度,即使多边形的大小(以像素为单位)由于地图投影而明显不同。



function transpose_poly() {
//the polygon I'm transposing; these are actually in lng,lat not lat,lng
var poly = [

    var pos = marker.getPosition(); //where it transposes it to
    var marker_lat = pos.lat(); 
    var marker_lng = pos.lng();
    var angle = document.getElementById("poly_angle").value; //rotational angle

    var original_lat = 11.697222; //the original lat/lng of the polygon coordinates above
    var original_lng = 165.27194399999996; //used to move the general polygon to a new set of coords as an offset

    var new_poly = []; //the transformed polygon

//iterate over polygon array, create new array of Google Maps LatLng objects that are transposed and rotated
    for(var i=0; i<poly.length; i++) {
        new_poly.push( rotateLatLng( (poly[i][1]-original_lat)+marker_lat,(poly[i][0].lng()-original_lng)+marker_lng,angle));


    // plot the polygon on the map
    poly_obj = new google.maps.Polygon({
        paths: poly_new,
        strokeColor: "#ff763b",
        strokeOpacity: 1,
        strokeWeight: 1,
        fillColor: "#ff763b",
        fillOpacity: 0.25,
        map: map,
        visible: true


//this rotating function is cobbled together from code I found... it doesn't really work. It somewhat rotates it but distorts it terribly and gives really bizarre results
function rotateLatLng (pointLat,pointLng,angle) {
    var pos = marker.getPosition();
    var theX = pointLat;
    var theY = pointLng;
    var rotationTheta = angle;
    var rotationThetaRad = rotationTheta*(Math.PI/180);
    var rotationOriginX = pos.lat();
    var rotationOriginY = pos.lng();

    var newX;
    var newY;

    if (rotationOriginX == 0 && rotationOriginY == 0) {
        newX = theX * Math.cos(rotationThetaRad) - Math.sin(rotationThetaRad) * theY;
        newY = theX * Math.sin(rotationThetaRad) + Math.cos(rotationThetaRad) * theY;
    } else {
        newX = (theX - rotationOriginX) * Math.cos(rotationThetaRad) - (theY - rotationOriginY) * Math.sin(rotationTheta) + rotationOriginX;
        newY = (theX - rotationOriginX) * Math.sin(rotationThetaRad) + (theY - rotationOriginY) * Math.cos(rotationTheta) + rotationOriginY;

  return new google.maps.LatLng(newX,newY);


这个问题的一个更简化的版本是说,如果我有一个 lat1,lng1 的原点和 lat2,lng2 的另一个目标点,我如何计算 lat3,lng3 被定义为 lat1 之间的相同距离,lng1 和 lat2,lng2 但在任意角度?因为如果我知道如何做到这一点,那么将其应用于整个多边形应该很容易。


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